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Re: [802.3_100GEL] proposed liaison responses for review

Dear Colleagues,


There is an incorrect link on the TF webpage for the proposed COBO liaison response.  The link should be


Additionally, the posted version “draft1” does not show the updated email address for the COBO secretary.  I corrected this in version “draft2” to be considered on Wednesday. 


My apologies for the confusion.


With regards,





From: Lusted, Kent C <kent.c.lusted@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 5:08 PM
To: STDS-802-3-100GEL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_100GEL] proposed liaison responses for review


Dear Colleagues,


As announced in Beth’s email (see: ), there are three proposed liaison responses to Gen-Z, OIF, and COBO for review and consideration by the Task Force. 


These are located here:




I will be seeking a motion in the 18 November meeting of 3ck to approve these responses.  Please let me know via email if you have any suggested changes prior to the TF meeting in order to maximize time available for comment resolution. 


With regards,







IEEE 802.3ck Task Force Vice Chair






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