Hi Andy,
Our schedule
was adopted in September 2012 and has us completing our baseline
adoption in May and going out to draft review (Task Force) after
the May Meeting.
This was discussed during the
meeting (see
minutes) and an added sense of urgency now exists because
we cannot simply slip. The 400G Study
Group has been formed and we all know that over time,
resources from our project may be pulled to
attend and participate in that project as well. This, together with the industry need for lower cost, lower
power and higher density 100G interfaces, means we have a sense of urgency to
complete our work while we have the resources.
Our editorial team is already
working with the adopted baselines to prepare a draft document
that incorporates 40GBASE-ER4, CAUI-4
Chip/Module, CAUI-4 Chip/Chip, EEE, and MMF >100m
into the 802.3 specification.
Our gap currently is on the two
areas cited in earlier threads. An MMF >20m and an SMF >
This is why I am asking for
proponents to bring in draft clause material and work with the
editorial team in advance of May. We can keep on track and
include those PMDs if we do this. If not, our choice will be to
move forward with the existing material or slip for an
indefinite period of time.
Dan Dove
On 3/27/13 8:25 PM, Andy Moorwood
Hi Dan,
if we are to "keep up" with the timeline shared at the March
meeting I think the task force needs to adopt baseline
proposal(s) for the various MMF and SMF options that have been
discussed ? Am I correct here ? in May we need to "decide"
or "slip" ?
Appreciate your comments
From: "Daniel Dove" <ddove@xxxxxxx>
To: STDS-802-3-100GNGOPTX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 2:55:52 PM
Subject: Re: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] questions remained
unanswered at the Q&A session at 802,3bm Plenary after the
presentation of welch_01_0313_optx
Dear Participants,
Sorry to fill your intray with emails, but upon further
consideration, I think it would be appropriate to point out
that we also have a potential MMF clause/subclause to be
written if a >20m PHY baseline were to be adopted in May.
Consistent with the guidance below for the SMF proposals, I
would recommend that if you are planning to propose a
>20m MMF baseline (apart from the currently adopted
baseline), please work with the MMF editor (Jonathan King)
to ensure that we leave Victoria with a complete MMF draft
document that can go out for Task Force review.
Dan Dove
Chair, IEEE P802.3bm
On 3/27/13 9:21 AM, Daniel Dove
My message to Ali contained some factual errors that were
unintended and this was brought to my attention.
First off, my statement that the "Task Force chose
to move forward with a draft development..." was inaccurate.
It should have been "Task Force discussed
a plan to move forward with a draft
development..." There was no Task Force vote or decision on
this subject.
And as Arash noted, he volunteered to produce a PAM draft. I
apologize for failing to capture that point.
As discussed in Orlando, to achieve our schedule, it will be
helpful to have a draft clause for any baseline proposal
that may be adopted. If you wish to provide a draft clause
for any particular proposal, I would suggest attending the
upcoming SMF ad hoc and communicating to the chair (Pete
Anslow) or you may contact me directly.
Thank you,
Dan Dove
Chair IEEE P802.3bm
On 3/25/13 12:12 PM, Daniel Dove
Hi Ali,
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
The Task Force chose to move forward with a draft
development for both a PSM4 (Pete) and CWDM (Petar) doing
the work, on the assumption that one of these approaches
*may* see sufficient consensus to achieve a baseline
proposal adoption. PSM4 was highest in the straw polling,
and CWDM was next highest.
Anyone who has confidence that they can achieve consensus
on an alternative baseline proposal is asked to also
produce a draft clause so that we can leave the May
meeting with a full draft set of clauses to move forward
with into Task Force review.
Clearly, LR4 and ER4 will be choices available to the
industry in a 4x25 CAUI-4 based solution. Whether or not
they are sufficient to address broad market needs over
time will be defined by the Task Force.
Dan Dove
Chair, IEEE P802.3bm