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Re: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] TIA "Return Loss" Liaison Ad Hoc

I am an interested party on this topic, and will be unable to attend the weds 1pm meeting, as are many involved in 802.3bm.  When will the draft letter be available ?







From: John D'Ambrosia [mailto:John_DAmbrosia@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:29 AM
To: STDS-802-3-100GNGOPTX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] TIA "Return Loss" Liaison Ad Hoc


My apologies to all as I mis-typed.

The Ad hoc will be meeting Wednesday at 1pm  in CICG Room 2.




From: DAmbrosia, John
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 5:33 AM
To: STDS-802-3-400G@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; stds-802-3-dialog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: STDS-802-3-100GNGOPTX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: TIA "Return Loss" Liaison Ad Hoc



The 400 Gb/s Study Group heard Vipul Bhatt’s presentation ( on harmonization of return loss.  It was agreed to generate a liaison to TIA on harmonization of return loss.  I am chartering Vipul Bhatt to lead an ad hoc to generate a draft letter for consideration by the Study Group during Closing Business.  There will be an ad hoc meeting in CICG Room 2 (same room 400G SG is meeting) to review and finalize a draft response.  I have also asked Vipul to send a draft letter out to the reflector for consideration prior to the meeting to give individuals more time, as well as allow those in other TF’s the chance to participate.


The Study Group will review the proposed draft at closing business.




John D’Ambrosia

IEEE 802.3 400 Gb/s Ethernet Study Group