[802.3_100GNGOPTX] Update on P802.3bm progress
Dear Colleagues,
For those who we unable to attend this week, a brief update.
We addressed all of our D2.1 comments and have a set of responses to
produce 2.2 from. There are 4 unsatisfied comments remaining.
We submitted a request to 802.3 for conditional approval to initiate
Sponsor Ballot upon successful completion of our Working Group ballot
process. This will go before the EC today and I will update once the
information is available.
Thanks again to our editorial team for all of their hard work, and
thanks to YOU for diligent review and participation in bringing this
draft standard forward.
Best Regards,
Dan Dove
Chair, IEEE P802.3bm 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Optical Task Force