Re: [10GBT] Transmit power levels
According to Solarflare's Nov. 2002 tutorial presentation (pg.17) their
launch power is 10-12dBm. During his Jan. 2003 presentation
Bill Jones mentions 9.5 dBm launch power (pg.5). After Jan. 2003 meeting
sent the following e-mail to the reflector and provided detailed analysis
coming up with their peak-to-peak launch voltage. That is where I got the
launch voltage number for Solarflare.
Joseph N. Babanezhad
Plato Labs.
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:13:18 -0800
From: "William Jones" <>
To: <>
Subject: [10GBASE-T] clarification on voltage level All headers
In response to some questions at last weeks meeting (and to stimulate
some reflector activity), I wanted to clarify the launch voltage level
For 10 dBm, ideal PAM10 (random data and PSD ~sinc^2) and 100 ohm load
Vrms = sqrt(P*R) = 1 V
Vpeak = Vrms*sqrt(3*(M-1)/(M+1)) where M is the number of PAM levels
= 1.57 V
Vpp = 2*Vpeak = 3.13 V
For 9.5 dBm
Vrms = .944 V
Vpeak = 1.48 V
Vpp = 2.96 V
Note: this is based on an ideal PAM signal, any filtering in the
transmit path will change the PAR and peak voltages.
William W. Jones, Ph.D.
Director of Systems Engineering
SolarFlare Communications, Inc.
949-581-6830, ext. 2550
mobile: 619-405-2445
fax: 949-581-4695
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sanjay Kasturia" <SKasturia@TERANETICS.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:08 PM
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [10GBT] Transmit power levels
> George,
> Thanks.
> Sanjay
> cell (650) 704-7686
> office (408) 653-2235
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stds-802-3-10gbt@IEEE.ORG [mailto:stds-802-3-10gbt@IEEE.ORG] On
> Behalf Of George A. Zimmerman
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [10GBT] Transmit power levels
> No , at the time of Joseph's presentation we noted it was not correct.
> I can't answer in detail now (I'm on my mobile ), but we will at the
> meeting or before.
> George A. Zimmerman
> cell: 310 920 3860
> (sent from my mobile)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Sanjay Kasturia"<SKasturia@TERANETICS.COM>
> Sent: 5/13/04 1:46:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: [10GBT] Transmit power levels
> A quick scan through past presentations reveals a few different
> proposals for transmit power levels.
> ,
> a
> March 2003 presentation by Joseph Babanezhad of Plato Labs, proposes
> 2v
> peak to peak and also has a table on slide 16 that lists other prior
> proposals: 2v peak to peak from a proposal from Cicada and 3.134v
> peak
> to peak for a proposal from Solarflare.
> A subsequent presentation from George Zimmerman of Solarflare,
> gives a
> range of TX power, > 6dBm to <10dBm though there is no mention of
> actual peak to peak voltages. If I assume that the 3.134v peak to
> peak
> corresponds to 10dBm then the 6dBm number will be about 2v peak to
> peak.
> Joseph, Vivek (Cicada) and George - is my interpretation of each of
> your
> proposals correct? Were there any other proposals on transmit power?
> Thanks,
> Sanjay
> cell (650) 704-7686
> office (408) 653-2235