[10GBT] FW: more info for "P802.3an Task Force Material" page
Dear Task Force members,
I'm forwarding along this information that Mike Bennett and Henri Koeman
put together. Thanks to Mike and Henri for this. I'll get it up on the
web site in the next day or two, but I thought I'd share this
information now.
Brad Booth
Chair, IEEE P802.3an Task Force
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Bennett [mailto:mjbennett@lbl.gov]
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 4:53 PM
To: Booth, Bradley
Cc: Henriecus.Koeman@FlukeNetworks.com
Subject: more info for "P802.3an Task Force Material" page
Hi Brad,
I hope you're doing well. I've attached a couple of documents that
explain some alien crosstalk measurements the Henri Koeman and I made on
cat 5e and cat6 cabling systems here at LBL. Would you mind loading
them on the material page for reference? We hope to produce a
spreadsheet as more samples are taken to get a better understanding of
what's really happening on the installed base of cables. That will
follow in a few weeks, but probably not before the March plenary. If
you're OK with loading these files, please assign the following link
titles to the files:
Title: Alien Crosstalk Properties of a category 5e installed cabling
system, filename: studycat5epatchpanel.pdf
Title: Alien Crosstalk Properties of a category 6 installed cabling
system, filename: study48cat6patchpanel.pdf
Michael J. Bennett
Sr. Network Engineer
LBLnet Services Group
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Tel. 510.486.7913