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Re: [8023-10GEPON] 10GEPON ad hoc on higher split ratio - Conference Call Minutes

Dear all,
Please, find the attached survey of TX/RX technology on the market today from task 3.
I hope that it will help your activities for 10G EPON.
Sincerely yours,

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From: "Hajduczenia, Marek" <marek.hajduczenia@SIEMENS.COM>
From Date: 2006-10-31 ¿ÀÈÄ 5:05:56
To: "" <>
Subject: [8023-10GEPON] 10GEPON ad hoc on higher split ratio - Conference Call Minutes

Dear all,
below please find the conference call minutes, taken down by Glen (thank You for the job well done)
please let me know if You find any irregularities in the minutes or if You have any comments on those.


Haim Ben-Amram

Russell Davey

Glen Kramer

Marek Hajduczenia

Frank Chang

Silvia Pato

David Piehler

Harold Kamisugi

Bin Yeong Yoon

Dong Soo Lee

Wael Diab


Task 1: estimation of 1x64 and 1x128 port splitter power loss values


Discussed Marek's presentation. Few questions about derivation of splitter loss. No objections. Task 1 is considered completed.


Task 2: non-linear effects in fiber channel


Silvia gave brief overview of the paper on non-liner effects in 10GEPON. SBS seems like major impairment. Mentioned dithering technique for laser sources.

Questions that need more research:

1) Can video-overlay even be supported on 1x128 PON? What power budget will be required?

2) Can we use high-power source for data wavelength and use video-overlay? Effects of Raman crosstalk due to high-power source.

AR: Silvia will finish sub-task 2.2 "estimate the maximum launch power into fiber which can be achieved without introducing non-linear effects" by November 6th.


Task 3: TX/RX technology


Bin Yeong Yoon and dong Soo Lee are in the process of compiling a survey of receivers, transmitters, and amplifiers available on the market today.

AR: Bin Yeong Yoon is to finish the first draft later this week. Then narrow down the viable configurations based on input from task 2.


Task 4: power margins in the EPON systems


It seemed to be difficult to get this data from carriers. It was decided that for now we will reverse-calculate this data from insertion loss taken in 802.3ah. We later may update it with more accurate numbers based on carriers' responses to a wavelength/power survey.

AR: Marek is to calculate allocation for penalties and outside plant aging and repair margins later this week.

An additional conference call may be scheduled to discuss final drafts of the presentations.

Best wishes

Marek Hajduczenia (141238)
(PhD Student - COM RD1)
SIEMENS Networks S.A. - IC
Rua Irm?os Siemens, 1
Ed. 1, Piso 1
2720-093 Amadora
(+351.21.416.7472  4+351.21.424.2082

