[8023-10GEPON] January meeting summary and next steps
Dear colleagues,
Unapproved minutes from our January meeting have been uploaded to the web
and can be found at
(Many thanks to Robert Lingle for capturing and providing very descriptive
summaries of the discussions that took place.)
Here is a brief overview for those who missed the meeting:
We reviewed 14 presentations
The task force has taken the following 4 straw polls:
Straw Poll A
"Upstream burst should have a sync preamble 0x5555. Followed by a
BurstDelimiter of size to be determined later"
Yes: 13
No: 0
No Opinion: 30
Straw Poll B
Add to channel link model ad hoc charter a requirement to analyze non-linear
impairments from/to additional services/channels. The document should be
separate from the Link Model Spreadsheet.
Yes: 30
No: 0
No opinion: 0
Straw Poll C - Necessity of FEC
Should FEC be:
. Optional to implement: 0
. Mandatory to use (always on): 22
. Mandatory to implement; optional to use: 1
. Too early to decide: 14
. No opinion: 0
Straw Poll D - Impact of FEC on MAC rate
If FEC be is implemented:
. MAC rate should remain 10Gb/s,PMA/PMD rate should increase: 1
. MAC rate should decrease, PMA/PMD rate should remain 10.3125 Gb/s:
. I will study more: 1
. Too early to decide: 9
. No opinion: 1
* * *
In preparation for our next meeting we will continue our activities in the
two existing ad hoc groups:
1) Optical Link Modeling ad hoc (coordinated by Marek Hajduczenia, Siemens)
This group will continue updating the model with non-linear penalties that
were not included before. The group will attempt to finalize this work
before the March meeting and seek the task force's ratification of the model
in March.
2) FEC Framing ad hoc (coordinated by Jeff Mandin, PMC Sierra)
FEC Framing ad hoc will continue its efforts to analyze and compare multiple
proposals with the ultimate goal of coming up with a single solution to be
offered to the task force.
We have also formed several new ad hoc groups.
3) Dual-Rate PMD ad hoc (coordinated by Frank Effenberger, Huawei)
This group will further study the feasibility of achieving 1G-10G EPON
coexistence using dual rate upstream transmission at 1310 nm. Specifically,
the group will focus on generating dual-rate PMD proposals that are both
technically and economically feasible.
4) Power budget proposals ad hoc (coordinated by Robert Lingle, OFS Optics)
As a follow-up to a power-budget straw-polls taken in November, this group
will analyze previously presented materials and will attempt to generate a
detailed proposals to achieve the desired power budgets, keeping in mind the
technical and economic feasibility criteria as well.
5) Rate Increase Analysis ad hoc (coordinated by Frank Effenberger, Huawei)
As FEC mechanism that are to be selected in the future may impose additional
overhead, this group will analyze the benefits and shortcomings of
increasing PHY rate compared to decreasing the MAC rate. Following a
recommendation given during the meeting, the chair will present the material
generated by this ad hoc to the working group during the 802.3 opening
session on March 12th.
I have asked all ad hoc leaders to carry all the discussions on the main
reflector. I would like to encourage the task force members to sign up with
one or more ad hoc groups (by sending e-mail to the ad hoc coordinators) and
to actively participate in these activities.
In order to mitigate a typical mid-meeting hibernation followed by a
last-minute flurry of activity, I ask ad hoc leaders to come up with a set
of intermediate milestones for your groups.
While the formed ad hoc groups represent specific tasks crucial for our goal
of selecting baseline proposals, this does not mean that different topics
cannot be discussed. Any task force member is welcome to submit a
presentation on other topics related to our work. As always, I encourage you
to work in groups, seek comments and feedback early, and build consensus for
your ideas before the next meeting.
Next time, the 10GEPON task force will meet during the March 802 Plenary
meeting in Orlando, Florida, on March 11-16. Venue information is already
available and registration is already open at
http://ieee802.facetoface-events.com/sessions/42/index.php. Hotel
reservation cut-off date is February 23, 2007.
Glen Kramer
Chair, IEEE P802.3av 10GEPON Task Force