[8023-10GEPON] Proposed comment responses are posted
Dear Colleagues,
Editors have promptly produced proposed responses, which are now posted on the web at http://www.ieee802.org/3/av/public/2008_03/3av_0803_comments_d1_1_proposed.pdf
Please, review this document ahead of the meeting, so that we can expeditiously resolve this large number of comments in the 2.5 days that we have in Orlando.
Please, note that the editors have re-classified the following E and ER comments to T and TR: 672, 790, 813, 1033, 1034, 815, 939, 838, 687, 670, 827, 803, 828, 1042.
Here is the final breakdown by clauses and by comment types:
Clause E ER T TR Total
00 3 2 1 1 7
01 2 1 3
30 2 2
64 3 1 4
91 34 7 53 15 109
92 67 16 68 7 158
93 8 26 5 39
91A 1 1
Grand Total 116 25 152 30 323
Also the following free-standing presentations were submitted and uploaded:
Vijay Pathak
Kawasaki Electronics
10GEPON Jitter Budget
Rujian Lin
Shanghai Luster Teraband Photonics
10GEPON Burst Timing in Coexistence Situation
Yasuyuki Kuroda
OF Networks
Consideration for Power-Saving functionality
Seiji Kozaki
Mitsubishi Electric
Proposal of modifications for PCS receiver function
Thank you,
Glen Kramer
Chair, IEEE P802.3av "10GEPON" Task Force