[8023-10GEPON] Draft D2.1 is uploaded
Dear Task force members,
I am pleased to announce the release of draft D2.1 of P802.3av. The document is available at http://www.ieee802.org/3/av/private/draft_2_1/3av_D2_1_plain.pdf
The version marked-up against D2.0 is located at http://www.ieee802.org/3/av/private/draft_2_1/3av_D2_1_markup.pdf
In some cases, multiple comments affected the same text or figure and the editors had to use their editorial license to resolve such overlaps. All such cases are documented in the comment implementation notes provided here: http://www.ieee802.org/3/av/public/2008_09/3av_0809_comments_d2_0_notes.pdf.
Thank you all for providing high quality, insightful comments and special thanks to our editors, Duane and Marek, for enduring a few grueling weeks while preparing the draft D2.1.
Glen Kramer
Chair, IEEE P802.3av "10GEPON" Task Force