[8023-10GEPON] Message from the Editor
Dear Task Force members,
I regret to inform you that my employment at Alcatel-Lucent is being
terminated and, unless I can find another corporate sponsor for my
duties as Editor on the 802.3av draft standard, I will no longer be able
to continue in that role. I consider it a privilege to have worked on
this Task Force and I have the highest respect for each of you. If any
of you need to reach me for any reason my home phone number is 919 846
6375 and my cell phone is 919 418 4741. I will be receiving e-mail at
my home e-mail address (remein@xxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Best Regards
Duane Remein
fn:Duane R. Remein
n:Remein;Duane R.
org:Alcatel-Lucent;Systems Engineering
adr;dom:;;2301 Sugar Bush Rd.;Raleigh;NC;27613
tel;work:919 850 6458