There is a Task1 call that conflicts and is scheduled to run until 10 AM. I
am not sure what effect that will have on this call.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 5:27
Subject: Re: [10GMMF] Notes for TP2 call
I forgot to include one item.
Andre/Bookham raised a question about clarifying specifications on peak
power on Tx waveforms to help determine the range over which a receiver
front-end should be linear. ClariPhy has also been studying this question.
Present information includes max OMA, min ER, and max overshoot in the
eyemask. However, this signal would generally not be seen by the receiver
except in short back-back links where dispersion is minimal, so perhaps linear
compensation is less important. Anyway, no conclusion, but we agreed to keep
track of this question as we progress. Andre may also raise the issue in a TP3
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 5:20
Subject: Notes for TP2 call
The TP2 call was held as scheduled.
- Jan Peeters Weem
- Ben Wilcox
- Tom Lindsay
- John Jaeger
- Martin Lobel
- Pavel Zivny
- Petre Popescu
- John Ewen
- Paul Kolesar
- Andre Van Schyndel
- Others who did not ID?
Agenda discussed and approved
Attendance (see above)
Approve agenda (done)
Approve old minutes (done, no
Progress on tasks and distribution of work
(see within previous minutes, below)
- Plans for next call (12/16)
Tasks and distribution of work
- Our objective - resolve as many details as possible by/before
comment deadline Jan 7th, 05
- Waveform capture method
- Pattern definition
- ACTIONS - John and Tom to work on pattern definition.
Should include lab and sim work. Greg and Pavel to consider needs for
timing of pattern key.
- John will send out presentation to summarize background, process,
and properties of candidate 384 bit test patterns. Discuss in 12/16
- Tom will attempt some waveform capture and analysis with this
pattern and compare to others. Goal to have done by 12/16 call.
Purpose is to determine if pattern is adequate or what else is needed.
- Greg and Pavel to work more on pattern key timing. Report on
12/16 call.
- Trigger block
- ACTIONS - Pavel to draft some words, review by Greg
and Lew.
- Some work has been done, but not yet ready for discussion. Please
attempt a complete proposal (for comment) by 12/16 call.
- Waveforms
- ACTIONS - Tom to provide waveform acquisition details to
others. All to capture waveforms and distribute for penalty
- Acquisition details complete.
- Finisar has provided several waveforms with a good range of
- Intel has also sent some waveforms.
- Call for more waveforms from other suppliers.
- EDC simulation
- ACTIONS - Tom to document definitions, references,
architecture, and other basic approach and assumptions. Tom to check
with ClariPhy on timing for sharing/review of code.
- ClariPhy will put together an algorithmic description
including definitions, architecture, and flow by early January.
- It was asked if ClariPhy could make its code available for review
before the meeting. Present code is buried in larger programs and
includes proprietary content. Tom to continue internal discussions
about supporting this request.
- Noise and jitter control (review of attachment sent in 12/1 TL
email, sent 21:44)
- ACTIONS - Pavel to propose and justify
pk-pk jitter metric. Pavel and Greg to propose best modes for scope
and pattern. Not discussed, but the trigger recovery block for this
test also needs description - can the same team as above (Greg, Pavel,
Lew) please tackle this one too?
- Some discussion outside of call, but Pavel and Greg will propose
an approach on 12/16 call.
- Statistical quality method (as introduced in dawe_1_1104)
- All HW quality method
Next call, same coordinates
In summary, plan to report progress and proposals on actions on
the 12/16 call. Please let me know in advance of any agenda