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Preparing for Idaho -- expecting more requests for presentations

Firstly, I would like to thank those who are bringing new information and
requirements to the table on the reflector. I am sure that we will be having
an interesting discussion concerning Ethernet over the WAN.... :-)

During this first meeting, we will need to focus on a couple of simple
1. A preliminary cut at our objectives.
2. A preliminary time line (objectives and goals for Sept interim).
3. A deeper review of potential technologies.

I anticipate that we will spend all day Tuesday on the first two items. To a
large degree, this will be an extension of the "call for interest."
Extension implies "not simply repeating what happened at the previous

During conversations with Geoff, it was decided to postpone doing a tutorial
until the November Plenary. We agreed that it is premature to tell the 802
at large what we are about when we don't yet know what we are about. We are
therefore free to spend time that would have been dedicated to the tutorial
on the above goals.

Per discussions at the "call to interest," it is pretty clear that there are
a number of things that need to be resolved fairly quickly in the timeline
(yes, I am implying that some things, like the "down-selection" of the
actual PHYs and the naming thereof can probably wait a while):

1. What is the definition of the new common PHY interface (XGMII?)?
2. What are the potential encoding schemes? What are the tradeoffs? Is there
benefit making these PHY dependent (XGMII independent)?
3. What is the MATRIX of potential application spaces / PHY implementations?
How and where do these overlap? Are these defined by anything other than
distance? What are the criteria that will be used to select which of these
we END UP WITH? How do we know we are exploring ALL REASONABLE options?
4. What are we going to do with new fiber (high bandwidth; POF)? Are we
going stay with the Ethernet tradition of supporting the install base?
5. What interactions/relationships should we have with OIF; NGIO; FIO; FC;
etc? Should we fold in any requirements from these groups?
6. Do we need to support the installed WAN infrastructure? If so, how much
of it?
7. Since we are not the 10GigE Study Group, what speeds to we support? This
is not just a OC-192 vs 10 vs 12.5 gig question.
8. How do we move forward with idea of a speed independent MAC?
9. As we add length, what additional requirements come with it (from the
reflector: fast failure detection; reporting; diagnostics; subscription
control; maintenance support)? How do we balance the cost of these additions
against the gain? Against the tradition of Ethernet being the most cost
effective implementation for LANs?
10. When we do a new fiber survey, what information do we want reported back
and in what form?


As of this time, there is a surprising dearth of requests for
time/presentation on these, and other key issues. Over the last couple
months, I have received informal requests for time. I would very much like
these to be formalized. What to do?
Send me a title; topic; presenter name; and estimated time for presentation.
If you are not sure you are "officially" logged, I won't be offended by a
redundant note.

If you have a topic that you think is important to cover/discuss (e.g., set
up a discussion for a subsequent meeting based on requests for information)
but don't wish to build a presentation, send me a short note describing the
topic. We can put these on the agenda. This will allow us to conduct the
meeting according to Robert's Rules.

Note, as chair, I will attempt to limit free-for-all discussion. While we
will have time for open discussion, my experience is that well thought out
presentations make for a better and more productive meeting. Hint!


Jonathan Thatcher  "jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Chair IEEE 802.3 High Speed Study Group
Vice President Product Marketing, Picolight Incorporated
4665 Nautilus Court South, Suite 3, Boulder CO 80301
Phone: 303-530-3189 X238; Fax: 303-530-4897