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RE: Jumbo Frames in 10GbE?

Title: RE: Jumbo Frames in 10GbE?

Actually, it is not a "system issue", but a standards issue. Because a vote was taken and had greater than 75% agreement, it will take another vote (assuming the chair rules it in order) to pass with greater than 75% to put jumbo packets into our objectives. This does not mean that they are kept out of the eventual standard, BTW. It only means that they are not one of our objectives. There's plenty of precedent for that.

Is the market going to jumbo packets? Obviously. Many (most?) of us already handle them.

Should jumbo packets be standardized? It is my opinion that they should be.

Should that standard be the 10GbE? The voting members of the current study group obviously do not think so. If you believe very stongly that they should be, then I think the procedure is to request the chair (Mr. Thatcher) to let you give a presentation to the study group (although that might be ruled out of order since the group already voted it down).

Another way to go about it would be to request a call of interest of the 802.3 group at the next plenary for a separate standard. This was what the VLAN (802.3ac) group did.

Just my $0.02,
Larry Rubin