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Re: Going the distance

I accept Bob Grow's ammendment to the motion that Rich made and I seconded.

I would like to encourage every one to think of this motion as incremental
progress.  If we adopt the motion, we will have a solid starting point,
and we can add other distance objectives, or revise the numbers stated
in this objective, at any time before we ballot the standard.

As far as the 2-3 km vs 10 km debate, I agree that 10 km would be
preferable.  I must point out that if we wind up with 10 km, we would
have met an objective that required only 3 km.  If, in the course of
writing the standard, we find that 10 km can readily be achieved at
some acceptable cost premium over 3 km, then we would most likely write
the specification in support of 10 km.

Howard Frazier
Cisco Systems, Inc.