Re: FW: PHYs with 10.000 and 9.584640
Hello Jonathan,
I agree. The flurry of emails on this issue during the last couple
of days was very formative (at least for me).
Jaime E. Kardontchik
Micro Linear
San Jose, CA 95131
Jonathan Thatcher wrote:
> (see history on web at
> We must remember that we passed an objective that says:
> Select only one of 10.000 Gb/s or 9.58464 Gb/s to standardize as the MAC/PLS
> data rate
> I see nothing here that indicates any of the following:
> 1. Inability to have PHYs at multiple speeds.
> 2. Inability to have multi-speed PHYs.
> 3. Inability to have/support PHY level flow control.
> I also see nothing in the meeting minutes that would indicate that this
> objective intended to constrain anything more than the MAC/PLS interface
> data rate.
> jonathan
> Note: I am intentionally leaving my personal opinion regarding preference
> out.