Framing packets over the link
We still have to consider how to format and frame the packets
once we get the speed of the MAC/PLS settled. Here is a start for a
table (read with a fixed width font) for some schemes.
Fixing the Signalling Fixing the Throughput Rate
rate at OC-192 at 10Gb/s
(get to use regenerators) (Might have to do new
Manchester approx 5Gb/s throughput Must signal at 20Gb/s
(sucks) (really hard)
-- tradeoff about fast locking PLLs (hard)
vs some scheme like running quarter speed transitions
to indicate "no carrier"
-- This would not be a serious contender
8B/10B approx 8 Gb/s throughput must signal at 12.5 Gb/s
PPP/POS variable throughput variable througput
10Gb/s - some delta 10Gb/s +- some delta
(depending on signalling
-- some kind of scrambling required to reduce chance
of long runs
Header/Length 10 Gb/s - epsilon throughput Can be 10 Gb/s throughput
(SDL et al)
-- would require changing MAC/PLS definition to provide
packet length early
-- framing acquisition logic required - parallel CRC
checkers to search for byte/packet alignment
-- some kind of scrambling required to reduce chance
of long runs
Multilevel NA ?
Multichannel NA ?