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RE: You are here

Thank you Howard.

All should be aware that I have been drafting a proposed PAR and 5 criteria
(you have already seen the objectives) to bring to the meeting in York. If
you have experience in this activity (required) and would like to review,
please send me a note (I already have three signed up).

Per the LAN/WAN discrete PHY discussion (and my intuition about the feeling
of the group to this proposal to date), I will be drafting this in (it will
be easily removed if necessary).

We will need to have a motion to change our objectives to include this
"resolution" to the "speed" objective. It needs to be clear if both PHYs are
intended to support our matrix of distances, or if the WAN PHY will support
a different set (or subset) of distances.

The most important things we need to do at this meeting:
1. Complete the PAR, 5 Criteria, and objectives. Have these done, voted, and
ready to forward to IEEE.
2. Organize the presentation of a 1 hour tutorial at the November Plenary

Additionally, there are a couple of other things the chair would like to get
started on:
1. Define short term work actions required for each of the major areas (by
clause or by layer); bullet form; in support of objectives; 5 criteria; PAR.
2. Define a PMD template that can be used by each PHY candidate to document
specific recommendations (based on clause 38?)
3. Document dependencies between layers (clauses). For example: coding and
4. Put together a plan for new media
5. Put together a plan for a new/updated link model

In short, I am interested in defining the scope, magnitude, and boundaries
of our work effort. I want to quickly identify and arrive at a consensus on
the long pole activities and engage these immediately. This activity is also
in preparation for the creation of a more efficient organization than our
one big group (an agenda item for November meeting; yes, the "z"
organizational structure was ideal for "z"...). 

Presentations/recommendations related to these topics are welcomed and


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howard  [mailto:hfrazier@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 2:23 PM
> To: stds-802-3-hssg@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: You are here
> It is great fun to dive into the details and flesh out a concept. We
> all like to do this, because we are responsible engineers.  We want to
> learn, and we want to understand, and we want to do a good job.
> Eventually, we will produce a complete and thorough specification for
> 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
> But that's not what we are doing right now.  Right now, we are
> tasked to define and justify a project.  The required output is:
> 1) Project Authorization Request (PAR)
>      A two page, very formal document. The only "interesting" parts
>      are the title, the scope, and the purpose. Scope and purpose
>      amount to a paragraph each. Everything else is "fill in 
> the blanks".
>      This document gets reviewed by 802.3, the 802 Sponsor Executive
>      Committee (SEC), the IEEE-SA Standards Board New 
> Standards Committee, 
>      and finally by the IEEE-SA Standards Board itself.  None of these
>      groups wants to see technical details.
> 2) 5 Criteria
>     5 "slides", aka vue-graphs.  Each of the 5 Criteria has three or
>     four bullet points that must be addressed.  The 5 Criteria are
>     Broad Market Potential, Compatibility with 802 Standards, Distinct
>     Identity, Technical Feasibility, Economic Feasibility.
>     This document gets reviewed by 802.3 and the 802 SEC.  802.3 takes
>     this document very seriously.  You have to address each of the
>     bullet points.
> 3) Objectives
>     A set of bullets which defines the project in slightly more detail
>     than the Scope and Purpose sections of the PAR.  We use 
> the Objectives
>     to guide our work, and to describe ourselves to the outside world.
> We hope to leave the York meeting with agreement on the contents of
> each of these documents.  If we have agreement on a PAR, 5 Criteria,
> and Objectives, then we can pre-circulate these documents to 802.3 and
> the 802 SEC so that they can take action on them at the November 802
> Plenary meeting.  The documents have to be made available 30 days
> before the meeting, so they need to be sent out on October 8th.  If we
> miss that date, we will have to wait another 4 months until the next
> plenary meeting.
> I believe that we should direct our discussions and our work to the
> contents of these 3 documents.  At this point in the process, 
> everything 
> else is a lower priority.
> Howard Frazier
> Cisco Systems, Inc.