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Time to update your Bookmarks


Further to Jonathan's e-mail announcing the P802.3ae PAR approval, I have set up
the IEEE P802.3ae 10Gb/s Ethernet Task Force area on the 802.3 Website. This
area can be found at the following URL and includes links to all the Higher
Speed Study Group information.

   David Law

| David Law                               |
| Vice-Chair IEEE 802.3                   |
| 3Com                                    |
| 3Com Centre,                            |
| Boundary Way,                           |
| Hemel Hempstead,                        |
| Hertfordshire, HP2 7YU,                 |
| United Kingdom                          |
| Phone: +44 1442 438060                  |
| Fax:   +44 1442 438333                  |
| E-Mail: David_Law@xxxxxxxx              |