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Re: XAUI/XGXS protocol


My comments are interspersed below.

Tom Truman
Lucent Technologies / Bell Labs

Jonathan Thatcher wrote:
> Kameran,
> I too am having difficulty putting the pieces together for the SLP proposal.
> I would like to focus on just one of Rich's comments below, but with a
> swizzle. In short, I simply cannot see how the parallel (4 lane)
> implementation works.
> Before I go into any details, I would like to make the following comments:
> 1. I cannot see how a SLP serial solution could meet all of the objectives
> with the serial PMD proposals on the table (distance over MMF).

Joel Goergen showed eye diagrams for scrambled 10Gbaud NRZ. I don't follow
your reasoning.

> 2. It is therefore required that SLP support at least one of the WWDM, PAM,
> or Parallel proposals.

I haven't looked at PAM with SLP, but the others are straightforward.

> 3. I simply can't make the jump from SLP to PAM, so I won't try.
> 4. SLP must therefore support either 4, 8, or 12 lanes for either the WWDM
> or Parallel proposals OR SLP will be used only with serial and something
> else would be used for the lane'd versions.

First, let's make sure we distinguish between XAUI and PCS. Deskewing
and frame delineation are separate tasks in SLP -- frame delineation
is performed AFTER deskewing (not in conjunction).

The XAUI is used for chip interconnect and needs to be deskewed. The PCS also
needs deskewing in the non-serial case. Kameran's email 
explains how deskew is handled by periodically inserting
alignment characters.

> 5. Since the committee seems to be most interested in a Unified Phy
> solution, I don't like the second option of (4).
> 6. Therefore, SLP must support multiple lanes to meet the objectives.

> Rich makes a number of assumptions in his analysis of this case related to
> the XAUI/XGXS interface and the PCS supporting SLP. While these may be
> dismissed because XAUI is not officially adopted, I don't consider the PMA
> interface (also four lanes) optional (based on the comments above).


> I therefore have a number of things that I would like clarifications on:
> 1. Am I correct that in a 4-wide WWDM PMA interface (for instance), that we
> would see the T-Flag (12 bytes) split between the 4 lanes becoming 3 bytes
> on each lane? (reference pages 4 and page 13 of your New Mexico presentation
> (


> 2. If so, how is the synchronization and deskew accomplished on this set of
> 3 byte fields (continued in questions below)?
> 3. I assume that the matching to the T-Flag must occur across all four
> lanes. Otherwise the calculations on page 7 would use 24 instead of 96 and
> go to you know where. What is the proposed scheme for keeping this robust
> without misaligning the columns, and making the synchronization complicated?

From Kameran's email:
Regardless of whether a packet delineation scheme is scrambled or un-scrambled, 
bytes sent on four lanes can be scrambled, using EMI-optimized scrambling. In 
their SUPI proposal, Nortel presented an elegant way to do deskewing in a
independent" fashion. For instance by removing one byte of idle per IPG, one 
can insert un-scrambled columns of control characters such as:
(to be consistent with your byte striped HARI proposal). This requires an 
insert/delete FIFO. A, K and R are bytes instead of 10b words. One can remove 
a whole column of Rs without affecting the T-flag. Please note the line rate on 
each lane can be exactly 2.500 Gb/s. No rate conversion circuitry is necessary.

T-flag is not affected, since you look for T-flag AFTER deskewing is done.

> According to my brief calculations, a match of the 24 bits (assuming never a
> drop of one of the idle bytes) occurs on an average of 60 times per second
> assuming that you never match across byte boundaries (a rather bad
> assumption, no?).

Deskew and packet delineation are two separate concerns.

> 4. Can I assume that the EOP (byte 1 of the T-Flag) always exists on the
> same lane? If so, what are the assumptions about maintaining lane integrity?
> Is the scheme consistent with the serial assumptions?

That is not assumed.

> 5. If you scramble the control codes (page 9), how do you bit sync prior to
> the demux since you can't descramble until you have alignment, or, is the
> intent to descramble in the serial mode? What is the logic for
> simultaneously bit syncing, descrambling, and detection of the alignment? If
> it isn't simultaneous, what is the "process?"

Scrambling is done for each lane separately. The descramblers are reset
periodically when the alignment blocks are recognized -- /A/K/R/ on each 
lane simulataneously, within the maximum skew window, defines the 
"synchronization instant".

> 6. What is the math that shows the time to resync (bit to byte to lane) all
> lanes under worst case assumptions about detection errors (as in question
> number 3 above)?

We'll put this in an appendix of the SLP document. (Leilei Song is writing
this up).

> 7. If you don't scramble, does the idle stream on one of the lanes become
> something like: 1011,0001 (randomly chosen from page 11) repeated
> indefinitely? Three of the four lanes would have this exact pattern
> simultaneously?

What we've proposed is to scramble the control characters, with the
exception of a periodic control sequence

> I have more questions, but these, coupled with Rich's below seem adequate as
> a starting point.
> jonathan

Tom Truman
Bell Labs

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rich Taborek [mailto:rtaborek@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 7:34 PM
> > To: HSSG
> > Subject: XAUI/XGXS protocol
> >
> >
> >
> > Kamran,
> >
> > I've initiated a new thread since it's changed drastically.
> > Please see my
> > comments below:
> >
> > Kameran Azadet wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Rich,
> > >
> > >         here are answers to your questions:
> > >
> > > >Take SLP as an example. SLP mapped to XAUI would logically
> > be mapped in one of
> > > >two ways. Theoretically, many other striping granularities, such as
> > > >word-striping, are possible but I fail to see any benefits
> > in doing so:
> > > >
> > > >1) Stripe SLP frames one-by-one each of 4 lanes;
> > > >2) Stripe SLP frames byte-by-byte on 4 lanes.
> > >
> > > I don't know where "SLP frames" came from? SLP is a byte by
> > byte mapping of
> > > packets (for instance ethernet packets). We never suggested
> > to send frames on
> > > each lane. For a XAUI type interface the striping could be
> > anything, byte or
> > > word striping or other schemes.
> >
> > Your response is in line with my evaluation. I'm sorry about
> > posing the question
> > this way, but your proposal left me no choice but to ask
> > since you have
> > mentioned SLP as being a candidate for the XAUI/XGXS but
> > there is nothing in
> > your Albuquerque that suggests how this may work. Your
> > response suggesting XAUI
> > SLP word striping leaves me a bit confused though. I'll
> > assume byte-striping as
> > suggested in your Albuquerque proposal and your first
> > sentence in the above
> > paragraph until I'm corrected.
> >
> > > >Obviously method (1) striping whole SLP frames on each
> > lane does not lend itself
> > > >to chip-to-chip interconnect or backplane applications
> > since the buffer sizes
> > > >and control logic required to buffer variable sized SLP
> > frames encapsulating
> > >
> > > Yes, but no-one ever proposed this...
> >
> > I agree. It's dropped.
> >
> > > >Ethernet packets would be unwieldy. Method (2) is fatally
> > flawed for the
> > > >following set of reasons:
> > > >
> > > >a) Individual Lane as well as 4-lane Link synchronization
> > is not achievable with
> > > >the present SLP proposal since no deskew methodology has
> > been proposed. Note
> > > >that SLP non-scrambled /A/K/R/ sequences as used by 8B/10B
> > would create an EMI
> > > >exposure similar to that of 8B/10B and the the
> > insertion/removal of /R/s would
> > > >invalidate the SLP T-flag (EOP indication).
> > >
> > > Regardless of whether a packet delineation scheme is
> > scrambled or un-scrambled,
> > > bytes sent on four lanes can be scrambled, using
> > EMI-optimized scrambling. In
> > > their SUPI proposal, Nortel presented an elegant way to do
> > deskewing in a
> > > "protocol
> > > independent" fashion. For instance by removing one byte of
> > idle per IPG, one
> > > can insert un-scrambled columns of control characters such as:
> > > A K R
> > > A K R
> > > A K R
> > > A K R
> > > (to be consistent with your byte striped HARI proposal).
> > This requires an
> > > insert/delete FIFO. A, K and R are bytes instead of 10b
> > words. One can remove
> > > a whole column of Rs without affecting the T-flag. Please
> > note the line rate on
> > > each lane can be exactly 2.500 Gb/s. No rate conversion
> > circuitry is necessary.
> >
> > For one to remove a whole column of R's one must first locate
> > the column of R's.
> > For an 8B/10B based XAUI/XGXS it's quite simple and low power:
> >
> > 1) A XAUI receiver takes in four incoming bit streams which
> > are frequency but
> > not phase locked;
> > 2) 4 separate synchronization circuits lock to either one of
> > two 7-bit comma
> > patterns to achieve lane synchronization and byte alignment.
> > Note that this can
> > happen on the first comma detected;
> > 3) Parallel logic at 312.5 MHz aligns /A/ codes on all 4
> > lanes to deskew the
> > byte-striped information.
> >
> > The synchronization process for SLP is significantly more
> > complex. Please
> > correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going to try and design the simplest SLP
> > synchronization process.
> >
> > ASIDE: Please note that I'm having a very difficult time
> > comparing SLP and SUPI
> > to 8B/10B as XAUI/XGXS alternatives because there are no
> > complete SLP and SUPI
> > XAUI/XGXS alternative proposals on the table. This is
> > especially true for SLP.
> > Your statements that SLP could be byte or word striped and
> > that the control
> > codes may or may not be scrambled make a world of difference
> > when I try to
> > architect a working solution never mind trying to figure out
> > how to optimize an
> > implementation.  Therefore: I'll make another assumption here
> > and assume that
> > SLP control codes are NOT scrambled.
> >
> > 1) A XAUI receiver takes in four incoming bit streams which
> > are frequency but
> > not phase locked;
> > 2) Since there is no way to reliably determine byte
> > boundaries nor infer that
> > the bit stream is scrambled or not at this point,
> > synchronization must occur
> > across 4 lanes simultaneously;
> > 3) Synchronization involves the detection of a possible match
> > of a 16-bit
> > pattern of non-scrambled data in the presence of up to 37
> > bits of skew = 53
> > bit/lane pattern match assuming an 8-bit deserializer width
> > and implementation.
> > Possible infers to the relatively high likelihood that the AK
> > pattern will
> > appear in a random data stream in any of the 4 lanes producing false
> > synchronization;
> > 4) Deskew requires both bit and byte alignment across 4 lanes
> > within the deskew
> > window.
> >
> > Once the receiver is in sync, /R/ columns can be inserted or removed.
> >
> > I am concerned about both the size of the pattern match and
> > the rate at which
> > this match must be performed. For example, is a serial shift
> > register used to
> > perform this pattern match at the bit rate? If not, the
> > multiplexing logic used
> > to ensure a 4-lane simultaneous pattern match across a 53-bit
> > space is very
> > unwieldy compared to 8B/10B 7-bit comma match.
> >
> > I believe that the 25% overhead of 8B/10B at this level is an
> > excellent tradeoff
> > against the complex and statistical nature of SLP. Note that
> > 8B/10B requires
> > absolutely no rate matching since 8-bit data is transported
> > at exactly the same
> > rate as 10-bit data. Both move at 312.5 MHz in chunks of 4
> > bytes/code-groups.
> >
> > > >b) The SLP proposal does not support clock tolerance
> > compensation as does 8B/10B
> > > >by the insertion/removal of /R/ columns since doing so
> > would compromise the SLP
> > > >T-flag. Such a compromise increase significantly the
> > probability of false match
> > > >as well as undetected packet error not to mention the
> > complexity of the
> > > >synchronization logic.
> > >
> > > T-flag is not affected. Probability of false match is if I
> > remember well, on the
> > > order of once every 2000 billion years for perfect match,
> > and once every ~14
> > > million years for match with 3 bit error tolerance.
> >
> > Your statement above greatly concerns me: "One can remove a
> > whole column of Rs
> > without affecting the T-flag". It is clear that removing a
> > column of /R/s
> > significantly increases the probability of false EOP, and
> > worse yet, undetected
> > error since the T-flag may be reduced from 12-bytes to
> > 8-bytes at the receiver
> > upon /R/ column removal. This problem does not exist with an
> > 8B/10B-based
> > XAUI/XGXS. Please check your calculations.
> >
> > > >c) Synchronization is slow and complex is based on the
> > detection of multiple
> > > >possible control patterns as is the case of supporting
> > other 10 GbE features
> > > >such as Busy Idle, or any similar special control codes
> > which have been proposed
> > > >for supporting all-optical switches ((NTT Albuquerque
> > proposal) or Fibre
> > > >Channel/InfiniBand specific control codes.
> > >
> > > Synchronization is not slow and complex. I also disagree
> > with your statement
> > > that SLP is specific to ethernet, and can not support a large set of
> > > control codes. We showed that with a 4b Hamming distance
> > one can support up
> > > to 16 control characters. By using a control character such
> > as "O", one can
> > > create ordered set control for fibre channel (ODDDODDD...).
> > It can support
> > > other control words too (up to 16).
> >
> > Additional control codes such as, Busy Idle, Fibre Channel
> > Ordered Sets, would
> > interrupt the /A/K/R/ Idle pattern. This is not a problem for
> > an 8B/10B-based
> > XAUI/XGXS in terms of synchronization time or complexity.
> > They are essentially
> > passed straight through. SLP of the other hand would have to
> > deal with multiple
> > 4-lane T-Flags unless you impose additional rules requiring a
> > longer minimum IPG
> > for SLP or switch to a shorter T-Flag, which greatly
> > increases the probability
> > of false EOP and the undetected error rate. Note that multiple T-Flags
> > dramatically increase the complexity of synchronization
> > pattern match logic
> > since the the T-Flag pattern is essentially the
> > synchronization pattern.
> >
> > > >d) Single lane synchronization, as simple as 8B/10B comma
> > detection, is not
> > > >possible since SLP requires the detection of multiple long
> > patterns across all
> > > >lanes to acquire link sync. Link and system problem
> > determination as well as
> > > >scalability to higher speeds are all significantly compromised.
> > >
> > > The scheme described above is scalable to other speeds.
> >
> > The probability of false sync increases with an increase in
> > lanes since SLP link
> > synchronization requires a pattern match across all lanes in
> > the presence of
> > skew. Any 16-bit match of multiple possible T-Flag lane
> > patterns in the data in
> > any lane would result in false sync.
> >
> > > >e) SLP frames provide no error detection or containment
> > capabilities for
> > > >transported data thereby increasing the undetected error
> > rate of the link.
> > >
> > > 64b/66b does not provide data error detection capability.
> > How come ethernet
> > > works well with 64b/66b that does not support error detection?
> >
> > This entire thread does not concern 64B/66B since 64B/66B has
> > never been
> > formally proposed as a coding for XAUI/XGXS. I'd like to
> > limit this thread to
> > XAUI/XGXS protocol only. My point (e) is that 8B/10B provides
> > very robust data
> > error detection capability and SLP provides essentially
> > "negative" error
> > detection capability since false T-Flags can indeed create
> > false "short"
> > packets.
> >
> > > >To a lesser extent (not much less) the same general
> > argument above applies to
> > > >the use of SUPI or 64B/66B as a XAUI encoding.
> > >
> > > SUPI was proposed by Nortel more as a PMD interface, not
> > for XAUI, but I
> > > don't see why it couldn't work for XAUI.
> >
> > For many of the same reasons I've given above comparing an
> > 8B/10B-based
> > XAUI/XGXS to an SLP-based XAUI/XGXS.
> >
> > > on the other hand:
> > >
> > > 64b/66b does not work for XAUI. The encoding does not allow
> > mapping things like
> > > ------------------------------
> > > D D D T I I I S, which you can observe on a lane of HARI.
> > Therefore 64b/66b
> > > is not a candidate. And I don't recall Rick Walker or Rich
> > Dungan ever
> > > saying that it could be used in HARI.
> >
> > Rick Walker, Don Alderrou (nSerial) and I discussed an
> > 64B/66B-based XAUI/XGXS
> > in Albuquerque over lunch and concluded that it wasn't such a
> > great idea for
> > many of the reasons I presented above. It is clearly more
> > reliable than SLP
> > since 66B frames are very well defined and easy to check. In
> > that sense it does
> > offer excellent error detection for control information
> > including robust EOP and
> > SOP as well. The down sides are that 66B frames would have to
> > be striped across
> > each lane increasing latency and synchronization of 66B
> > frames on each lane is a
> > statistical (read: slow) process.
> >
> > Note that "D D D T I I I S" is NOT a possible XAUI pattern if
> > I interpret it
> > correctly. I assume that the first "D" corresponds to lane 0
> > and the "S"
> > corresponds to lane 3. To date, the only proposals on the
> > table for 10 GbE, 10
> > GFC and InfiniBand all have "S" in lane 0 only. The
> > Albuquerque 64B/66B proposal
> > supports all proposed XGMII and XAUI/XGXS patterns.
> >
> > > Hope this clarifies a bit
> >
> > To clarify things, I think I'd like to see a concise and
> > complete SLP, SUPI or
> > 64B/66B alternative coding proposal for XAUI/XGXS. Right now,
> > no such animal
> > exists. It would be much easier for the 802.3ae committee and
> > reflector
> > participants to compare such a proposal to the strongly
> > supported 8B/10B-based
> > XAUI/XGXS proposal.
> >
> > In closing, one related issue that you did not touch on is
> > EMI. Reflector
> > traffic recently has been very high in the EMI area and I
> > agree the concern is
> > well places. 8B/10B codes, especially repetitive codes sent
> > during IPG tend to
> > have high EMI. Don and I have come up with some very simple
> > solutions which I'll
> > share in another thread. However, in this note you proposed
> > an SLP /A/K/R/K/...
> > repeating pattern which is non-scrambled. You might have Joel
> > Goergen take a
> > look at this pattern at the SLP 2.5 Gbps with respect to its
> > current 8B/10B
> > equivalent at 3.125 Gbps on his current test setup to see how
> > much worse the SLP
> > Idle pattern is in terms of EMI. I haven't run it, but I'd be
> > interesting in
> > seeing the results. The exact repeating patterns for both are
> > as follows. Note
> > that I simply picked the first three control codes from slide
> > 11 of your
> > presentation to represent SLP /A/K/R/ Please feel free to
> > optimize this code
> > choice for EMI yourself:
> >
> > SLP repeating Idle pattern:
> > 00010111 01001110 01110100 01001110 01110100 01001110
> > 01110100 01001110 01110100
> > 01001110 01110100 01001110 01110100 01001110 01110100 01001110
> >
> > 8B/10B repeating Idle pattern:
> > 001111 0011 110000 0101 001111 0101 001111 1010 110000 1011
> > 110000 0101 001111
> > 0101 001111 1010 110000 1011 110000 0101 001111 0101 001111
> > 1010 110000 1011
> > 110000 0101 001111 0101 001111 1010 110000 1100 001111 1010
> > 110000 1011 110000
> > 0101 001111 0101 001111 1010 110000 1011 110000 0101 001111
> > 0101 001111 1010
> > 110000 1011 110000 0101 001111 0101 001111 1010 110000 1011
> > 110000 0101
> >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Kamran
> >
> > --
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Rich
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> > Richard Taborek Sr.                 Phone: 408-845-6102
> > Chief Technology Officer             Cell: 408-832-3957
> > nSerial Corporation                   Fax: 408-845-6114
> > 2500-5 Augustine Dr.        mailto:rtaborek@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > Santa Clara, CA 95054  
> >
org:Bell Laboratories;High Speed Communications VLSI Research
title:Member of Technical Staff
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fn:Tom Truman