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RE: Subject: Survey of lengths of installed optical fiber cable

I disagree.

When designing a proprietary interface, one has the flexibility to
"right-size" the link. That is to say that you can match the data rate,
feature set, etc. to the particular ideosyncracies of the system. I think
that it is unlikely that, in a world of terabit class routers, board to
board interconnects will be limited to 10GB/s. Hence, we are really talking
about sizing in two dimensions. Links can be designed using many of the
same components used in more generic intersystem links. This allows a
designer to optimize price/performance to a particular system. A good
example of this sort of interface might be the purely logic to logic links
implemented using 1x12 VCSEL arrays; no XAUI, no line coding, no frills.

To think that all of the bells and whistles we are talking about adding to
10GBE to insure interoperability, generality of application, etc., come at
a price which can be canceled out by economies of scale when compared to
lean and mean, purpose built links based on many of the same components, is
naieve and unjustified.
