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RE: About the 802.3 September Interim Meetings


If we are going to change the location, one place you may want to consider
is Palm Spring.  It will be very hot 100+, but I know you can get 5 stars
hotel for sub $100 with good avilablity.



> From: Jonathan Thatcher <Jonathan.Thatcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: stds-802-3-hssg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: About the 802.3 September Interim Meetings
> Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 12:22:49 -0700 
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> Colleagues-
> Don't shoot the messenger. Geoff, and everyone else involved, has done an
> excellent job attempting to recover from a less than ideal situation
> (perhaps an understatement).
> Due to delays in negotiating the contract and issues related to hotel
> availability during this key "open the universities" season in Boston, we
> were simply NOT ABLE TO FIND a facility that would meet the needs of the
> group on such short notice.
> We fully understand that a change in venue is a disappointment to many. We
> measured this against the options:
> 1. Changing the dates
> 2. Splitting the group between nearby hotels
> 3. Working in a facility that didn't quite meet the needs
> 4. Significantly upping the cost from what has been typical
> 5. Changing a voted-on / approved location
> etc.
> Amongst these options, we (Geoff, Steve Carlson, and I) made an executive
> decision that the least disruptive option was a change in location.
> We have "hired" a professional meeting planner that has done a national
> search. We have done some quick culling and are now reviewing contracts with
> three facilities that meet all the remaining requirements. A final decision
> should be made tomorrow. At the latest, the information will hit the
> reflector on Monday morning after all logistics are in place.
> I would like to reiterate Geoff's comment, "My apologies for the
> inconvenience that this is causing you." This is not the way we like to do
> business.
> Please understand that we fully understand that the process we are using is
> very undemocratic (though it is consistent with a representative form of
> government, care to set up a PAC?  US$ can be forwarded to...  :-)  Geoff,
> Steven and I are trying to do what is in the best interest of the group at
> large. Please forgive us for opting to not set up a special reflector to
> discuss what the best possible plan might be for emptying the burning
> theater.
> jonathan
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Geoff Thompson [mailto:gthompso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 2:43 PM
> >To: stds-802-3-hssg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; stds-802-3-pwrviamdi@xxxxxxxx
> >Subject: About the 802.3 September Interim Meetings
> >
> >
> >
> >Colleagues-
> >
> >Much to my chagrin and embarrassment we do not yet have a 
> >fully committed 
> >set of meeting arrangements for the September Interims for 
> >802.3ae and 802.3af.
> >
> >One thing seems to be clear at this point. That is that the 
> >meetings will 
> >NOT be in the Boston area.
> >
> >I have been pushing very hard to get this matter resolved as 
> >quickly as 
> >possible. As our lead time has dissolved and because start of 
> >the academic 
> >year is a busy season in Boston it was clear that something 
> >had to give in 
> >our meeting specifications. From our discussions in previous meetings 
> >and  everybody's calendar management problems I made the 
> >decision that we 
> >could not change the meeting week at this late date. That 
> >meant that in 
> >order to hold the meetings at all we had give the meeting 
> >planners more 
> >freedom in city location. The current possibilities are: 
> >Anywhere in the 48 
> >states or Canada that has reasonable airline access. At this 
> >point Salt 
> >Lake City is a leading contender but nothing is settled.
> >
> >There will be a phone meeting this evening (Wednesday) of all of the 
> >principals. It is my intention that we will get a hard 
> >commitment for a 
> >location from the meeting.
> >
> >You will have an e-mail announcing the decision and 
> >arrangements absolutely 
> >as soon as possible.
> >
> >My apologies for the inconvenience that this is causing you.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >
> >Geoff Thompson
> >|=========================================|
> >| Geoffrey O. Thompson                    |
> >| Chair IEEE 802.3                        |
> >| Nortel Networks, Inc.  M/S SC5-02       |
> >| 4401 Great America Parkway              |
> >| P. O. Box 58185                         |
> >| Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185  USA         |
> >| Phone: +1 408 495 1339                  |
> >| Fax:   +1 408 495 5615                  |
> >| E-Mail: gthompso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     |
> >| Please see the IEEE 802.3 web page at   |
> >
> >