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RE: Proposal: XGMII = XBI+

I agree with Curt's comments, and would like to add:

- The XGMII must be ammenable to common ASIC and FGPA design
  practices and tool flow and current process technology.
  The ability to rapidly design an ASIC or FPGA implementation
  of a 10 GE MAC or PCS is going to be of major benefit to
  those who want to bring 10 GigE to market quickly.

- Over time, the XGMII disappears as an external interface,
  and gets buried inside a chip which integrates the XGXS
  or the SUPI PMA. In the long term (two years or so), the
  interfaces we care about are XAUI and SUPI, so we needn't
  concern ourselves with the long term viability of XGMII.
  We need to optimize it for today.

Howard Frazier
Cisco Systems, Inc.