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Request Presentation Time

Since, again, many of us have had a holiday on Monday this week, I am pushing the requirement to have requests and presentations in by Wednesday of the week before the meeting (tomorrow) back by one day. Remember the rules:
For those requesting time for presentation please send me a note with the following:
Subject Line: Request Presentation Time
Title: Title of Presentation
Topic: A brief description
Time requested: How long you think the presentation will take (Q&A included)
Presenter: Full name please
Audience: Please indicate who you think should be in the room for the presentation (e.g., everyone, clause 48, optics people).
Hope you all had a great holiday. Look forward to seeing you next week.

Jonathan Thatcher
Principal Engineer, World Wide Packets

Chair, IEEE P802.3ae Task Force
Office: 509.242.9228  Fax: 509.242.9001