Eye Safety Std Update
IEC 60825-1 Amendment 2 (2001-01) - Safety of Laser Products, is now
published. It can be purchased directly at:
This is the "changes only" document which updates the 60825-1(part 1) base
standard. The fully integrated version of part 1 is expected in April.
Part 2 is working its way toward CDV stage. A CDV requires a 5 month voting
duration. After that, it is expected that this document may be issued as a
technical specification.
More details in the previous update attached below.
Paul Kolesar
Lucent Technologies
From: Kolesar, Paul F (Paul)
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 1:31 PM
To: stds-802-3-hssg@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Eye Safety Std Update
Here is further information on the progress of the IEC 60825 Laser
Safety standard, which affects the PMD specifications. This is extracted
from a meeting report written by Jane Ehrgott, Lucent's representative to
the TC76 standard committee.
Paul Kolesar
Lucent Technologies
TC 76 Meeting Overview
IEC 60825 - Safety of Laser Products
Mishima, Japan
November 13-17, 2000
1. Second Amendment to IEC 60825 Part 1
IEC 60825 Part 1 is the foundation document for
laser product safety to which all application documents refer. The second
amendment to IEC 60825 Part 1 eliminates classes 2A and 3A and replaces them
with classes 2M and 1M & 3R, respectively. It also changes some of the
measurement criteria associated with the classes. The FDIS for this change
was approved unanimously. It is expected to be published as a "changes
only" document by the end of 2000 and as a completely integrated document
some time in 2001. Companies can begin using the classification scheme once
the "changes only" document is published.
2. Revision of IEC 60825 Part 2
IEC 60825 Part 2 is the application document with respect to
laser safety of optical fiber communication systems. In it there are
requirements that must be met by products that use fiber optics. In its
current form, it refers to the current classification scheme of the Part 1
document which will become obsolete upon the publication of the new changes
(see item 1). At the Mishima meeting, Ehrgott issued a green paper urging
that Part 2 be altered in an expedited fashion so as to eliminate conflicts
between Parts 1 and 2. As a result, after conferring with IEC/Geneva, it
was decided to produce a short document in the form of a CDV stating how the
new classes introduced in Part 1 relate to the requirements of Part 2.
Agreement was reach on the required wording which appears in Attachment 1
below. A CDV requires a 5 month voting duration. After that, it is
expected that this document may be issued as a technical specification. No
objections were raised at the plenary to go forward with this document. As
a second item, a full amendment to part 2 (this process would take several
years) will be worked on, with Feb 1 2001 for a first working draft to the
Working Group.
Attachment 1
Draft Document for interpretation of IEC 60825-2 following the
publication of IEC 60825-1 Amendment 2
1. For all normative sections, including Annex B
* Replace "Hazard Level 2" with "Hazard Level 2 or Hazard Level 2M, as
* Replace "Hazard Level 3A" with "Hazard Level 1M or Hazard Level 3R,
as appropriate"
* In Annex B, 3B Hazard Level, controlled location column, replace
"Hazard Level kx3A" with "Hazard Level 1M or 2M"
* Delete all remaining references to Hazard Level kx3A
2. In Table 1 of Paragraph 4.4.2, the limiting aperture values for IEC
60825-1 Amendment 2 shall be substituted
3. Delete all informative annexes
4. All classification and hazard level evaluation shall be made in
accordance with IEC 60825-1 Amendment 2.
Note: The entire IEC 60825-2 will be urgently revised and annexes
reinstated consistent with IEC 60825-1 Amendment 2