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That applies when there is no XAUI and it also applies when the Phy XGXS
attached to the PCS is generating LF. The XGXS/10GBASE-X receiver now sends
continuous LF to the XGMII interface when it detects a loss of alignment.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: THALER,PAT (A-Roseville,ex1) [mailto:pat_thaler@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:19 PM
> To: Tim Warland; 802.3ae
> Subject: RE: RF/LF
> For the change to the receive state machine, see comment 1159 
> which removes
> the detection of |P| (which in d2.1 will be |Q|) which is the 
> behavior Boaz
> mentions. The decision to send constant ordered sets on the XGMII when
> detecting a local fault was made. Comment 267 was part of 
> that, but the full
> resolution isn't in that comment's response. Also see comment 
> 592 and 588.
> These resolutions also impact clause 49 because it will now 
> need to be able
> to drop pulse ordered sets,

You probably mean when there is no XAUI, right?
