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RE: Chapter 46: preamble length


My statement may be seen as misleading.  I didn't not say WIS, but I think
some people may have interpreted it that way.  Depending on the
implementation of the WAN PHY, there could be preamble shrinkage as part of
the clock compensation moving from the MAC clock domain to the WAN PHY clock
domain.  It is an implementation issue.  Like Bob alluded to, we've
permitted IPG and preamble shrinkage in the PHYs, and it's a good idea for
MACs to be designed to handle IPG and preamble shrinkage.


		-----Original Message-----
		From:	Ben Brown [mailto:bbrown@xxxxxxxx]
		Sent:	Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:11 PM
		To:	802.3ae
		Subject:	Re: Chapter 46: preamble length


		Just to correct something you said: "In 10GbE, truncation of
		preamble can occur due to the asynchronous timing associated
		the WAN PHY." If bits are lost in the WAN, the 66-bit blocks
		going to be corrupted and the PCS will lose sync. There is
		that currently affects the length of the preamble. If this
is not
		the case, please educate me.
