Re: [802.3ae] XAUI return loss
ESD protection is considered in the return loss spec. The tradeoff is
speed/low capacitance vs. ESD protection. This tradeoff will continue to
get worse as speeds increase. Note that it's significantly worse for any
10G I/O which is required to support serial PMDs.
Please note that we're way past the point of reflector discussion making
any impact on the spec. If you feel strongly about this issue please
submit a comment against the next draft.
Best Regards,
Steven Shen wrote:
> Hi Gentlemen:
> The current TX XAUI return-loss is 10dB for differential signal which is
> almost not feasible with current ESD technology. Please consider.
> Thanks
> Best Regards
> Steven Shen
> Silicon Bridge Inc.
Richard Taborek Sr. Intel Corporation
XAUI Sherpa Intel Communications Group
3101 Jay Street, Suite 110 Optical Products Group
Santa Clara, CA 95054 Santa Clara Design Center
408-496-3423 JAY1-101
Cell: 408-832-3957 mailto:rich.taborek@xxxxxxxxx
Fax: 408-486-9783