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RE: [802.3ae] WIS Test Pattern Error Counts


Your interpretation of D3.2 is correct. As per the resolution to
Comment #53 against D3.1, the existing bit error mechanisms are to
be used to detect and report pattern bit errors, as specifically
stated in the comment resolution:

	"...The method of measuring bit errors shall be to use the
	current B1, B2 and B3 SONET parity checking mechanisms in
	the WIS Receive process. No additional logic shall be added
	to the error checker for counting errors."

There is no Path Bit Error mechanism or counter in the normal WIS
processing, and therefore there is no Path Bit Error counter for
test pattern mode, either in Clause 50 or Clause 45.

There was an extensive discussion on this subject during the
comment resolution meeting. The general consensus was that the
existing B1/B2/B3 parity checks provided sufficient capability
for detecting test pattern bit errors, and also for providing
a rough assessment of the bit error rate. The view was that there
was no good reason to increase the WIS complexity by providing
additional hardware to measure the bit error rate more precisely.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards,

- Tom Alexander
WIS Scribe

-----Original Message-----
From: Nepple, Bruce [mailto:bnepple@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 7:26 PM
To: stds-802-3-hssg@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3ae] WIS Test Pattern Error Counts

In 50.3.8 of D3.2 it is indicated that the WIS test pattern checker 
shall have the ability to synchronize to the mixed frequency 
test pattern and report bit errors detected within the payload 
to the Station Management entity.  It then goes on to describe 
the Section BIP, Line BIP, and Path Block error counters, but 
makes no mention of a Path Bit Error Counter.  Did I miss 
something?  The three counters mentioned above will function 
without a bit checker through the standard parity bytes.
I didn't see such a counter in 45.2.2 either.

