[802.3ae] FW: Soliciting IEEE comments on WIS MIB draft
To all 802.3ae WG participants,
Please be aware that a new WIS MIB draft is available at:
The draft is the result of the work of a design team created of
participants in the IETF Ethernet MIB and AToM MIB Working Groups, and
may be considered as the new base proposal for the WIS MIB. We intent to
re-spin this draft and create a new version before the December IETF
meeting in Salt Lake City.
As D3.3 became available we are aware about at least one changed that
needs to be made to the Internet-Draft - the elimination of acResetWIS.
It would be helpful
if the IEEE WG members could point out other changes in D3.3 that we
need to incorporate, or make other pertinent comments, before that draft
is respun for the December IETF meeting.
The best way to provide your inputs would be to forward them to the IETF
WG e-mail list hubmib@xxxxxxxxx Alternatively you may send e-mails to me
or to Mike Heard, who is one of the main contributors in this work, and
is also copied on this mail.
Thanks and Regards,
Dan Romascanu,
Chair, IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB WG