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[802.3ae] 10GFC support of XSBI


The 10 Gigabit Fibre Channel draft standard is currently in development
and is leveraging much of its Physical layer from IEEE P802.3ae. The
latest status on the 10GFC draft can be found at: One of the clauses in
the 10GFC draft which is being questioned for its applicability to 10GFC
is the XSBI clause. Note that 10GFC applications are primarily SAN
(Storage Area Network) and utilize short optical links. Therefore, 10GFC
system suppliers are calling for small form factor optical modules and
narrow electrical interfaces to those modules. In addition, the Optical
Internetworking Forum (OIF) which developed the XSBI (based on OIF's
SFI-4 interface), is now developing SFI-4 Phase 2. 

The purpose of this note is to solicit editorial support for the XSBI
clause of the 10GFC document. If such editorial support is not
forthcoming by December 18, 2001, it will be interpreted as a lack of
interest in continuing any further development on this optional
interface for 10GFC applications and the XSBI clause will be deleted
from 10GFC draft 2.0. An NCITS T11 Letter Ballot on 10GFC Draft 2.0 will
commence on Thursday, December 20, 2001 for 36 days.

If you're genuinely interested in volunteering as the 10GFC XSBI clause
editor, please contact me directly.

Best Regards,
Richard Taborek Sr.                     Intel Corporation
XAUI Sherpa                    Intel Communications Group
3101 Jay Street, Suite 110        Optical Group Marketing
Santa Clara, CA 95054           Santa Clara Design Center
408-496-3423                                     JAY1-101
Cell: 408-832-3957          mailto:rich.taborek@xxxxxxxxx
Fax: 408-486-9783