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RE: [802.3ae] PICS proforma table of clause 50 of D3.4

Thanks for your e-mail, and for reviewing the draft and noting the discrepancies.
The issue with the K1/K2 byte values in the Value/Comment portions of the PICS tables was first pointed out by Mike Heard in November. I have already submitted a comment against D3.4 to fix this problem.
The issue with the Value/Comment field of TP11 in the PICS is new, and is most definitely a typo. I'll raise an editorial comment in the interim next week. It should be fixed in the next draft.
Once again, thanks for your diligence.
Best regards,
- Tom Alexander
WIS Scribe
-----Original Message-----
From: Manish Agrawal [mailto:agrawal.manish@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 1:56 AM
To: HSSG Reflector (E-mail)
Subject: [802.3ae] PICS proforma table of clause 50 of D3.4


Some discrepancies in the actual description and the PICS proforma tables are :

1.  In clause 50.6..2 (WIS transmit functions) table

      a.  Item "WT10 K1 octet in Line Overhead Set to 00000001 binary M Yes []"  

               should be replaced by

          "WT10 K1 octet in Line Overhead Set to 00000000 binary M Yes []"

      b.   Item "WT11 Bits 1 to 5 of K2 octet in Line Set to 00010 binary M Yes []"

             should be replaced by

          "WT11 Bits 1 to 5 of K2 octet in Line Set to 00000 binary M Yes []

2. In clause 50.6..7 (WIS test pattern generator and checker)

      a.   Item " TP11 Alternating value for CID pattern 72 bits of zeros in first frame and 72 bits of zeros in second M Yes []"

                           Should be replaced by

                    " TP11 Alternating value for CID pattern 72 bits of zeros in first frame and 72 bits of ones in second M Yes []"

Best Regards,