[802.3ae] WIS test Pattern PRBS Generator Polynomial
I could find no definition of the WIS test Pattern PRBS generator polynomial in Clause 50 (or any other clause, for that matter). I did find a reference to O.172 and in O.172 I found a reference to O.150, and in O.150 I found a definition for a 2**23 -1 length PRBS. (Section 5.6). Is that the required generator for WIS? Is there a reason that it is not specified? Or, did I just manage to overlook it in the specification? (wouldn't be the first time).
O.150 Section 5.6 specifies a 23 stage shift register with taps from stage 23 and stage 18 added (mod-2) and applied to the first stage. (I'd call it a x**23 + x**18 + 1 generator with input data = 0, but I'm not a math dude)