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RE: [802.3ae] IEEE 802.3 certification

Title: IEEE 802.3 certification
This reflector is dedicated to the development of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet standard, it isn't a forum for discussion of Gigabit Ethernet.
The requirements for Gigabit Ethernet are outlined in IEEE Std. 802.3, 2000 edition.  The requirements are distributed between the clauses describing the technology, annexes to those clauses and the protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) contained at the end of clauses. 

Bob Grow
Secretary, IEEE 802.3

Intel, EC2-101
13290 Evening Creek Drive
San Diego, CA  92128

phone: 858-391-4622
mobile: 858-705-1829
fax:   858-391-4580

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Nguyen [mailto:nnguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 6:44 PM
To: 'stds-802-3-hssg@xxxxxxxx'
Subject: [802.3ae] IEEE 802.3 certification


My name is Nancy Nguyen, a Hardware QA Engineer at iReady Corp.
Our product is 1GB Ethernet and want to meet the compliance of IEEE 802.3 standard.
Would you let me know the specific tests and compliance testing as IEEE 802.3 regulations of 1GB Ethernet.

Nancy Nguyen