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[802.3ae] 802.3ae April Interim Coordination with Fibre Channel

Subject:  Coordination of 10 Gb Ethernet and 10 Gb FC activities

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The location and schedule for the IEEE 802.3ae meeting have been
carefully selected to coordinate with the T11 and T11.2 meetings.
The chairs of those committees have arranged this to allow the 
best use of time for those people who must attend both meetings.

The IEEE 802.3ae meeting will be focused entirely on resolving 
comments against Draft 4.2 in preparation for final Sponsor Ballot 
recirculation (Draft 4.3).


The location of the T11 hotel is:

	Crowne Plaza - Hotel Georgia, 801 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC.

The location of the IEEE hotel is right across the street:

	Four Seasons,  791 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC


Monday  4/8
   T11 meetings                            
             8   9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
                                 |   T11.3 10GFC   |
                 |    MJSQ   |lunch|      MJSQ     | *SFF XCVR*  | 
                 | FC-SW-3   \lun\  FC-SW-3  \ DA|\\\|  *FCIA*   |

   IEEE meetings

               |    Opening  |lun| Optical physical layer track  
               |    session  |   |    	
                                 |    Logical/protocol  track
Tuesday 4/9
   T11 meetings
             8   9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
                 |  FC-BB-2  \lun\ BB\   FC-AL-2/FS              |
               |T11.2-COPPER |lunch|  T11.2-OPT      |  *FCIA* |
               |             |     | (10GFC Com Res) |         |
                                 |       FA-MIB      |Joint .2&.3|

    IEEE meetings

               |           Logical/protocol  track 
               |         Optical physical layer track

Wednesday 4/10  
    T11 meetings                                   
             8   9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
                 |  FC-GS-4  \lun\GS4\   Security    \           | 
                 | Phy Modeling|lunch| Tll.2 Plenary |
                 |  FC-AE-2  |lun|   FC-AE-2 Study   |
               |10GFC Com Res| 
                 |           *FCIA*              |XXX| Reception |

    IEEE meetings

               |    Closing  |
               |    session  |