Re: [802.3ae] Query : 10G Ethernet RMON status !!!
No, they are not the same.
At 04:09 PM 4/23/02 +0530, Kamal Jain wrote:
Hi All,
Can somebody clarify me on
the following two definitions for Ethernet frames
- "aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError",
section from IEEE-802.3-2000 Std,
Definition : A count of frames that would
otherwise be received by the station, but
could not be accepted due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. If
counter is incremented, then none of the other counters in this subclause
incremented.The exact meaning and mechanism for incrementing this
counter is implementation dependent.
This counter is intended to provide a bucket so that all events on the
wire are counted. actually only all the events that make it past the
portion of the hardware that drops collision fragments and shorter
events. Any internal hiccup can use it. It is still a packet/frame
"etherStatsDropEvents", RFC 1757, Remote Network Monitoring
Management Information Base (MIB)
Definition : "The total number of events in which packets were
dropped by the probe due to
lack of resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of
dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been
This is a fudge counter that was created back when computing speed and
memory size were more of a problem. It is just a count of the number of
times that the RMON probe ran out of steam and lost track of what was
actually going on. This is not a packet/frame counter, this is a number
of times I have been broken counter.
::= { etherStatsEntry 3 }
Are both the definitions
same from the implementation point of view.
For example, if we define the Ingress (Rx) FIFO overflow error as a MAC
internal error,
then can it be taken as the "lack of resources" in
Otherwise, can the "etherStatsDropEvents" be defied as the drop
events for packets which
has been dropped/discarded because of some filtering options, while
receiving an Ethernet frame.
Looking forward for an early
Kamal Jain [SMTS]
GDA Technologies Ltd.
Geoff Thompson