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Re: PAM5 Objectives


The objective should be to provide the cheapest 10 GbE solution,
lowest power, etc... within essentially a building environment.
It is here where "cheap"  and "power consumption" is of
paramount importance. I am not interested in competing with the
serial guys (*) on their 2, 10 or 40 km objectives using SMF.

Hence, I think it more appropriate to target the following fiber
objectives of the 802.3ae:

    - minimum of 100 meters on installed MMF
    - minimum of 300 meters on new 2200 MHz*km MMF

Notice, by the way, that although we cannot compete with the
serial guys on link distance on SMF, we have a clear advantage
over the serial guys on link distance over both the installed
160 MHz*km MMF and the new 2200 MHz*m MMF: the serial
guys have given up completely on supporting the minimum
objective on installed MMF and they can barely meet
the 300 meters on new MMF, whereas we could easily go
much higher than this.

(*) serial guys defined here as 10.3 Gbaud, the standard symbol
    rate used by the serial SIG (Special Interest Group)


Jaime E. Kardontchik
Micro Linear
San Jose, CA 95131

Rich Taborek wrote:

> Pat,
> A few minor conmments:
> 1) I agree with Jay's comments regarding power consumption
> 2) PAM5 solutions must also be significantly cheaper than Serial (<1/2). The
> first bullet says "installed base" solutions which alludes to 62.5 um MMF.
> Serial doesn't address these. However, PAM5 should also address SMF at <1/2 cost
> of Serial or WWDM.
> Best Regards,
> Rich