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Re: XAUI rate on UTP CAT 5 transmission experiment.


Just a thought.  What is the EU equivalent of the FCC?  What kind of 
radiation might these cables generate?

I appreciate your provocative submission.  Cables are of course one major 
part of the equation.  Connectors are also important.  Have you tried this 
with RJ-45 connectors? :-)  What would you suggest which is a low cost 
connector, in keeping with the CAT-5 thought?


At 08:40 AM 3/7/01 -0800, Christensen, Benny wrote:
>Hi XAUI specialists
>Here is an 3.125 Gb/s 2^31-1 PRBS differential transmission example on a 2
>meter 24AWG * 4 pair UTP cable used for ethernet connections.
>The specs on the cable says 100 MHz.
>I cut off the connectors and applied SMA connectors for a differential pair.
>THe other wires are used for GND on both ends.
>GIGA lite CDR GD 41644 operates error free on this differential eye. 65
>Removing the SDH filters and using 2*250 mVpp, the differential swing will
>be 125 mVpp inner eye opening.
>Tomorrow, I will investigate the jitter tolerance on this system.
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>GIGA, an Intel company
>Benny Christensen, M.Sc.E.E, Ph.D.
>Mileparken 22, DK-2740 Skovlunde, Denmark
>Tel: +45 7010 1062, Fax: +45 7010 1063
>e-mail: benny.christensen@xxxxxxxxx,

Bill Woodruff           Velio
888 Tasman Dr.  408 474-0735
Milpitas CA 95035       Mobile 408 206-0017

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