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RE: [802.3ae_Serial] Telecon Monday?

I may be late calling in.  My plane lands at 12:15.  I would prefer a 1 pm PST start time.  We discussed having Stretch come up with a spread sheet to send out and have participants fill in.  This would make the format, and comparison easy.  I hope this plan will be sucessful.
Best Regards

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: piers_dawe@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:piers_dawe@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
	Sent: Thu 3/14/2002 7:52 PM 
	To: stds-802-3-hssg-serialpmd@xxxxxxxx 
	Subject: [802.3ae_Serial] Telecon Monday?

	It has been suggested that in OFC week, more people would be able to attend
	on Monday rather than Tuesday.  I can do either.  Which do we prefer?
	We will be planning a path to demonstrating the feasibility of the test
	methods, principally the stressed eye generator.