Group Delay on XAUI channel
Correct. There is an open invitation for group delay data that can be used
to substantiate or refine the limit. A file is attached with the group delay
data contributed to date. No windowing was applied to this data, so it will
not satisfy the 80ps limit.
-----Original Message-----
From: mgaboury []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:09 AM
To: Kesling, Dawson W
Subject: RE:
My recollection is that these numbers are only approved as a place holder
until we have some data to support real numbers. Originally there was no
consensus but these were adopted to further the cause of getting to the next
level in the standards process. Is that so?
Mike Gaboury
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Kesling,
Dawson W
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:30 AM
To: Serial PMD reflector (E-mail)
Subject: RE:
The proposal approved in Irvine was: group delay of 80 ps p-p below 1.56 GHz
with 3% window aperture. For simulation, you'll have to assume linear phase
or add non-linearities within this bound. We're working on gathering
measured phase data that corresponds to a real channel with loss near the
limit, but this may take several weeks. Can Mysticom help with real data?
-----Original Message-----
From: Boaz Shahar []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:20 AM
To: 'Kesling, Dawson W'; Serial PMD reflector (E-mail)
Subject: RE:
What about the phase?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kesling, Dawson W []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:53 PM
> To: Serial PMD reflector (E-mail)
> Subject:
> Attached are plots showing a proposed refinement to the XAUI
> compliance
> channel limit.
> Some comments received on the first proposal (red line) have
> been addressed
> (green line):
> 1. Skin effect was not well represented. It now dominates below 1 GHz.
> 2. The ISI loss was not sufficient. It is now 4 dB, as agreed
> to at the last
> Interim.
> 3. The low frequency loss was less than most of the data. It
> is now near the
> middle of the measured data.
> The refined coefficients are:
> a1 = 6.5e-6
> a2 = 2.0e-10
> a3 = 3.3e-20
> -Dawson
> <<HF.ZIP>> <<LF.ZIP>>