Interferometric noise, version 2
There have been some concerns about the validity of the worst-case
approach that was
taken in our previous document about interferometric noise. In this
document (see link below) we will extend the previous document in two
different ways. In both approaches worst-case polarization is assumed.
In real life the polarization state will vary slowly with time. However,
the polarization state will persist for a fairly long time and could
give random and unpredictable outages when the polarizations are
In the first approach, instead of using the worst-case phase between the
main signal and the reflected signal, the BER is averaged over the phase
difference between the interfering signals. Chirp and other dynamic
effects are ignored in this approach. In the second approach a
rate-equation model for a single-mode laser is used, and the resulting
output signal is used to calculate the effect of the interferometric
noise. Here dynamic effects such as chirp and overshoots are taken into
account. Although the semi-analytical approach makes a number of
simplifications it compares fairly well to the more detailed simulated
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OPTILLION --- High speed optical transceivers
Peter Öhlen Phone: +46 8 477 41 56
Kronborgsgränd 9 MPh: +46 70 181 52 05
S-164 87 Kista Fax: +46 8 477 41 51