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XAUI Jitter Agenda 7th Febuary 2001

XAUI Jitter Agenda 7th Febuary 2001

XAUI Jitter Telco Details
10:30 (PST)
19:30 (CET)
Duration 90mins
Outside US : +1 865 5253200
Inside US  :    800 8919585
Participant Code : 674 870
Lines : 15 

Due to the current FC meeting, today's XAUI Jitter Telco, will most
probably be smaller and shorted than normal, however, I would still
like to try and cover as many of the open issues as possible depending
upon the attendance.

Please find included the current open issues and also the complete
attendance list for distribution of material shortly before or during
the telco. If your name is not on the distribution list and you wish
to attend the telco, please email me your email address.

Best regards,

Anthony Sanders
Principal Engineer
Infineon Technolgies
Munich, Germany.
0. Current comments to D2.1 

  - Comments for D2.1 generally
    - Extention of low frequency sinsusoidal jitter
    - Change of RL to -8dB
    - Comment for D2.1 concerning Deterministic Jitter for transmitter

1.1 Break frequencies and amplitudes
  A- Find FC white paper on investigation leading to SWAG number of
  0.1UI and 1.5UI for amplitudes. (Allan) This action point shall be
  closed upon studying of the Bell Labs document.

1.2 Very low frequency jitter definition frequency and amplitude

  A- Jitter low corner frequency, will result from White Paper
  A- Amplitude could result from FC White paper
  A- Shelto to send some FIFO calculation out on reflector
  A- Extention of lower frequency down to lower frequencies should be
  done as comment to D2.1 (Adhoc)

2.5 IEEE Sections, Annex´s and References

  A- An additional Annex shall be written to cover methodology
    - Editor           : Rich.T
    - Technical Inputs : Ali, Tom.L, Mike.J, Anthony.S
    - Rich.T shall prepare initial draft for next week´s editors
    - Entire team shall meet at "Fiber channel meeting" in 2 weeks to
    finalise contents of Annex.
    - This Annex shall take inputs from the following documents

  A- Section for Clause 47 to be written (Anthony, end week).

4.3 DJ from Channel Compliance

  A- Jitter group must decide whether to accept min/max channel
  compliance, and new jitter numbers. (See Complete Model)

4.4 FEXT/NEXT (Cross Talk)

  A- Crosstalking specifications from typical connectors to be
  collected from connector manufacturers by Rich and Ali.

  A- Theoritical simulation of expected differential crosstalk to be
  done (Anthony)

4.6 Return Loss

  A- Verification of max/min capability of RL required. Distance of
  the first connectors from the driver should be verified for WC. 

  A- Jeff Cain and Tom Grey to try and quantify RL requirements.
    - See section 10. concerning overall verification.

6.4 Defined patterns 

  A- Needs a little work on Pattern run length

  A- Final acceptance of proposed pattern.

  A- It was requested that Rich could possibly explain how the
  compliance pattern can be generated from MAC.

6.4.1 Compliance Definition

    A- Tom.L to get reflector traffic moving with respect to this

6.5 Test Equipment for Pattern Compliance testing

  A- Input concerning types of equipment available (All)

10. Overall Verification of Jitter Budget

  A- Ongoing simulations for verification of newly proposed jitter
  numbers and patterns are ongoing by
    - Jeff Cain 
    - Tom Gray 
    - IFX 
    - Mysticom
    - Jeff Porter 
    - Dawson

Ali Ghiasi <>, <>,
Adam Healey <>, 
Bijit Patel <>,
Bob Smith <>, 
Dennis Petrich <>,
Jeff Cain <>, 
Jeff Porter <>,
Jim Hesson <>, 
John Wright <>,
Mike Jenkins <>,
Peter Dartnell <>, 
Richard Dugan <>, 
Robbie Shergill <>,
Ron Miller <>, 
Schelto vanDoorn <>, 
Shawn Rogers <>,
Leo Wong <>,
Jason Chen <>, 
Kesling Dawson W <>, 
Allan Liu <>, 
Tord Haulin <>, 
Tom Lindsay <>
Rich Taborek <>,