1TPCE will be meeting on Monday May 12th and Tuesday May 13th at the joined interim meeting of IEEE 802.1 and IEEE 802.3. On both days we will start 8:30 and will meet till we are done with
the job J . Please look on-site for the respective room information.
In our last 3 phone conferences we made already progress in drafting the required documents for the PAR. The latest set of CSD and objectives you can find in
this email.
Explanations about color code and about the process you can find
here and
Through the phone conferences it turned out that the study group has questions to the following topics which should be covered by presentations at the F2F meeting (names behind the topic are the volunteers till now)
- 100 ms start up objective: is it feasible with the lower link speed of 100 Mbit/s to achieve this requirement? Automotive industry is requesting a fix number to be written down, please remember the study group meeting of RTPGE in Geneva about this topic.
(Alex Tan)
- The BER objective was copied from the RTPGE Objectives. Steve Carlson questioned this objective and asked the PHY specialists to investigate this objective prior the Interim Meeting in May. (Alex Tan)
- Objective for support of optional speed discovery for one pair systems. We had several discussions on this topic. As we will have some IEEE first timers joining the interim meeting in Norfolk, I would highly appreciate if we could have a presentation about
the auto negotiation topic and the way on how we come to standardized solution. Volunteers are welcome!
- Also we still miss information on the link segment. Volunteers for a presentation are welcome!
In order to prepare a presentation please follow the guidelines listed
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Thomas Hogenmueller