module ieee802-ethernet-mac-merge { yang-version "1.1"; namespace "urn:ieee:std:802.3:yang:ieee802-ethernet-mac-merge"; prefix "mac-merge"; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; reference "IETF RFC 6991"; } import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; reference "IETF RFC 8343"; } import ieee802-ethernet-interface { prefix ieee802-eth-if; reference "IEEE Std 802.3.2-2019"; } organization "IEEE Std 802.3 Ethernet Working Group Web URL:"; contact "Web URL:"; description "The Yang model for managing devices that support the MAC merge sublayer as defined in Clause 99. Unless otherwise indicated, the references in this model module are to IEEE Std 802.3-2018."; revision 2023-04-29 { description "Initial version."; reference "IEEE Std 802.3-2018"; } feature mac-merge { description "Each Port supports the MAC merge sublayer."; reference "IEEE Std 802.3-2018"; } augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface/ieee802-eth-if:ethernet" { if-feature mac-merge; container mac-merge { container admin-control { leaf merge-enable-tx { type enumeration { enum "Disabled" { description "Transmit preemption is disabled"; } enum "Enabled" { description "Transmit preemption is enabled"; } } default "Disabled"; description "This attribute indicates (when accessed via a GET operation) the status of the MAC Merge sublayer on the given device in the transmit direction. The status of the MAC Merge sublayer may be modified to the indicated value via a SET operation. This attribute maps to the variable pEnable (see"; reference ""; } leaf verify-disable-tx { type enumeration { enum "Disabled" { description "Verify is disabled"; } enum "Enabled" { description "Verify is enabled"; } } default "Disabled"; description "This attribute indicates (when accessed via a GET operation) the status of the Verify function of MAC Merge sublayer on the given device in the transmit direction. The status of the Verify function may be modified to the indicated value via a SET operation. This attribute maps to the variable disableVerify (see;"; reference ""; } leaf verify-time { type uint16 { range "1..128"; } default "10"; description "The value of this attribute defines the nominal wait time between verification attempts in milliseconds. Valid range is 1 to 128 inclusive. The default value is 10. This attribute maps to the variable verifyTime (see;"; reference ""; } leaf frag-size { type uint16 { range "0..3"; } default "0"; description "A 2-bit integer value used to indicate the value of addFragSize variable used by the Transmit Processing State Diagram (see Figure 99?)."; reference ""; } } container admin-status { config false; leaf merge-support { type enumeration { enum "Supported" { description "MAC Merge sublayer is supported on the device"; } enum "Not Supported" { description "MAC Merge sublayer is not supported on the device"; } } description "This attribute indicates (when accessed via a GET operation) whether the given device supports a MAC Merge sublayer. The SET operation shall have no effect on a device."; reference ""; } leaf verify-status { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { description "Verification status is unknown"; } enum "initial" { description "The Verify State diagram (Figure 99?) is in the state INIT_VERIFICATION"; } enum "verifying" { description "The Verify State diagram is in the state VERIFICATION_IDLE, SEND_VERIFY or WAIT_FOR_RESPONSE"; } enum "succeeded" { description "Indicates that the Verify State diagram is in the state VERIFIED"; } enum "failed" { description "The Verify State diagram is in the state VERIFY_FAIL"; } enum "disabled" { description "Verification of preemption operation is disabled"; } } description "This attribute indicates (when accessed via a GET operation) the status of the MAC Merge sublayer verification on the given device. The SET operation shall have no effect on a device."; reference ""; } leaf status-tx { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { description "transmit preemption status is unknown"; } enum "inactive" { description "transmit preemption is inactive"; } enum "active" { description "transmit preemption is active"; } } description "This attribute indicates (when accessed via a GET operation) the status of the MAC Merge sublayer on the given device in the transmit direction. The SET operation shall have no effect on a device. This attribute maps to the variable preempt (see"; reference ""; } } container statistics { config false; leaf assembly-error-count { type yang:counter64; description "A count of MAC frames with reassembly errors. The counter is incremented by one every time the ASSEMBLY_ERROR state in the Receive Processing State Diagram is entered"; reference ""; } leaf smd-error-count { type yang:counter64; description "A count of received MAC frames / MAC frame fragments rejected due to unknown SMD value or arriving with an SMD-C when no frame is in progress. The counter is incremented by one every time the BAD_FRAG state in the Receive Processing State Diagram is entered and every time the WAIT_FOR_DV_FALSE state is entered due to the invocation of the SMD_DECODE function returning the value ?RR?"; reference ""; } leaf assembly-ok-count { type yang:counter64; description "count of MAC frames that were successfully reassembled and delivered to MAC. The counter is incremented by one every time the FRAME_COMPLETE state in the Receive Processing state diagram (see Figure 99?) is entered if the state CHECK_FOR_RESUME was previously entered while processing the packet"; reference ""; } leaf fragment-count-rx { type yang:counter64; description "A count of the number of additional mPackets received due to preemption. The counter is incremented by one every time the state CHECK_FRAG_CNT in the Receive Processing State Diagram (see Figure 99?) is entered"; reference ""; } leaf fragment-count-tx { type yang:counter64; description "A count of the number of additional mPackets transmitted due to preemption. This counter is incremented by one every time the SEND_SMD_C state in the Transmit Processing State Diagram (see Figure 99?) is entered.;"; reference ""; } leaf hold-count { type yang:counter64; description "A count of the number of times the variable hold (see transitions from FALSE to TRUE."; reference ""; } } } } }