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[802.3_25GSMF] 40km objective in 25G SMF


I’m writing to discuss interest in a 40km objective for the 25G SMF Ethernet standard. We have preliminary information on an application (metro-access) and technical feasibility (by use of an APD receiver) that was included in the CFI material. As a next step, the (1) broad market potential, (2) technical feasibility, and (3) economic feasibility need supportive data to build a consensus.


If you have interest in this reach, please let me know, as it would be helpful to start discussion. In particular, I’m interested to know if you are willing to contribute data to support any of items (1)-(3) listed above.


Best regards,




Kohichi R. Tamura, PhD

Director, Strategic Marketing Center

Director (Acting), Module RD Division

Oclaro Japan

4-1-55 Oyama, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi

Kanagawa-ken 252-5250 JAPAN

Tel:    +81-42-770-7011 x5317

Mobile: +81-90-4064-2514

Email: kohichi.tamura@xxxxxxxxxx
