Folks – reminder.
We need early notification so that I can get another host to drive (and make sure it works).
Please respond before 10:00am PST tomorrow if you need to present, otherwise I will cancel the meeting for this week.
Peter Jones
802.3 25GSMF Study Group Ad Hoc Chair
From: Peter Jones (petejone)
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:57 PM
To: 802. 3 25GSMF <STDS-802-3-25GSMF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: David Lewis (David.Lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx) <David.Lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; kohichi.tamura (kohichi.tamura@xxxxxxxxxx) <kohichi.tamura@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: 25GSMF AdHoc Meeting Series
I’ve sent out the invite for the new meeting series for 25GSMF adHoc (I believe we are still a officially a study group until NesCom/Standards Board get to vote in May).
I have a conflict for next Wednesday 3/30, so if this meeting goes ahead, I will need to get someone else to chair (hopefully either David or Kohichi).
As always, to make progress we need contributions. Early notice of contributions makes meeting planning much easier, and increase the chances to getting people on the calls.
I believe that its now appropriate (give that we have 802.3 and 802 approval of our PAR, CSD and Objectives) to start getting more serious about looking at proposals for technical baselines. Consensus building and open review is the
way to make fast progress.
In this case “Chicago rules” is good practice. “contribute earlier and contribute often!” J.
Peter Jones
802.3 25GSMF Study Group Ad Hoc Chair
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Peter Jones (petejone)
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:48 PM
To: 802. 3 25GSMF
Subject: 25GSMF AdHoc Meeting Series
When: Occurs every Wednesday effective 3/30/2016 until 8/10/2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Webex
The goal of these meetings is to hear contributions to progress the work of the study group.
Please send requests for presentation time at least 24 hours before the meeting time (preferably earlier), and send presentations at least 24 hours in advance.
If there are no requests for presentation time, the meetings will be cancelled.
Peter Jones
25GSMF/802.3cc AdHoc chair
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