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Re: [802.3_25GSMF] 25GSMF AdHoc Meeting Series - reminder for Wednesday, May 04

We have a meeting coming up Wednesday, May 04, 2016 2:00 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
I have nothing on the agenda yet, but I am hoping for/expecting some presentations on proposed baselines.
I will not be able to attend/host, but David Lewis will be running the meeting. David – The WebEx host key is listed below.
Please let David know if you wish to present, and provide him:
1.      Presentation name
2.      Approx length
3.      Slides
Ideally by 24 hours before, latest COB Tuesday. Remember, contribute early and contribute often for a successful project.
Also, David has updated the AdHoc area of the website for recent meetings including both Tom and Kohichi’s baseline presentations from April 27th. I highly encourage review of these presentations, and discussion on the reflector of any questions/comments/issues.
We also have unapproved minutes for the following meetings.
March 3rd -
April 20th -
April 27th -
Please review minutes ahead of the next meeting so they can be approved.
Peter Jones 
802.3 25GSMF Study Group Ad Hoc Chair           
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Peter Jones (petejone)
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:41 PM
To: Peter Jones (petejone); 802. 3 25GSMF
Cc: Kenneth Jackson; Malicoat, David (HPE Networking ATG); Ed Ulrichs; 이한협; derek.cassidy@xxxxxx; David Lewis; Carlo Tosetti (ctosetti); Pirooz Tooyserkani (pirooz); Robert Wagner; Mark Nowell (mnowell)
Subject: 25GSMF AdHoc Meeting Series
When: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 2:00 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Webex
As announced in the F2F at the March meeting, (see ), the 25GSMF AdHoc will re-commence weekly meetings in the Wednesday 2:00pm-3:30pm PST slot.
The goal of these meetings is to hear contributions to progress the work of the study group.
Please send requests for presentation time at least 24 hours before the meeting time (preferably earlier), and send presentations at least 24 hours in advance.
If there are no requests for presentation time, the meetings will be cancelled.
Peter Jones
25GSMF/802.3cc AdHoc chair

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