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[STDS-802-3-400G] July Plenary Page Update


The July meeting webpage has been updated to include the agenda, as well as two ad hoc reports.  Please see


The plan will be to start Tuesday at 10:30am pending 802.3bm completion.  I have planned for 8:30am start times on Wed / Thurs, but this will be highly dependent upon each day’s progress, and we may need to start by 8am.  Please note that we have hard stops on Tues / Wed due to CFI on Tuesday night and the IEEE 802 Emerging BoF Wednesday night.  I will need to maintain better control over the clock for this meeting to keep us on schedule, given the limited time and large number of presentations we have.  Everyone’s understanding and support will be greatly appreciated.


Also, please note I have uploaded the channel data that Rich Mellitz (Intel) provided.  Please see


I wish everyone safe travels.  As a reminder, please note that many will be wearing rugby jerseys in memory of Hugh on Monday.   My hope is that we can get as many people as possible in rugby shirts to take a picture to send to his family.




John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE P802.3bs 400GbE Task Force