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Hi Jeff, Some first comments: Slide 4: 2nd bullet. Not clear why you mention SELV etc.? 5th bullet. - Try to specify unbalance with absolute values so positive or negative voltage differences is not important. -The fact that lower or higher V2 that can compensate higher/lower R2 is true however the test should address it inherently to simplify the test -To cover both points try to define mathematical desired _expression_ and then design what the test setup need to be to test it. For example; I would start to play with the following: RUNB=dV/dI. What is need to
be done so for a given requirement of worst case RUNB limit, the dV will not exceed di or equivalent method. -I would try to replace the V1 with some fixed resistive load that represents the current during normal operation so P2PRUNB between ANY two pairs can be extracted . (P2PRUNB is defined between any two pairs). 6 bullet: -No need to test pair unbalance. No value added. Its effect on P2PRUNB is negligible. Slide 5: Similar comments. Regards. Yair From: Jeff Heath [mailto:jheath@xxxxxxxxxx]
All, Here is my proposed way to create balance specifications at the PSE and PI. I welcome any comments. Regards,