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Yair, I am not missing the point, I am disagreeing with you point. Perhaps it is you that are missing the point? Let me expain it so you understand the point. You are still insisting that one percentage number be used for channel resistance imbalance, yet the channel is a system where the percentage changes drastically depending on the length of the cable and the number of connectors. Why do you insist on using a linear equation for a completely nonlinear data set? Regards,
From: Darshan, Yair [mailto:YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Hi Jeff, 1. Yes I have invested effort in analyzing the channel to close the Channel P2PRUNB which is specified in the standard in [%] in similar way that the pair unbalance is specified in IEEE802.3-2012 and per others standards. 2. This is per our motion from May 2014. 3. YOU Miss the point (again ..:J ) . This is channel analysis, the formal channel with up to 4 connectors SO NO VOLTAGE DIFFERENCE IS INVOLVED. It is just computation of (Rmax-Rmin/(Rmax+Rmin). 3.1 I didn’t define the system components in term of percentage. They are all in ohms. I only calculate the effect of it which is our target objective C_P2PRUNB 4. I didn't run to a problem due to specific technique. The only way to define channel is by P2PRUNB. Any technique you will suggest will have the same issues to solve. Try it, and I will comment on it. Moreover you explain of what causes the peaks (connector, discontinuities etc.) is repeating my explanation and not suggesting a solution. Try suggesting a solution in addition to my 4 proposals so we can have some common base line to discuss. 5. Using Resistance Unbalance Tec technique is not new. Please read previous adhoc material and presentations. It is the technique we always used also in 802.3AT for pair unbalance. There is no better technique then using channel components parameter and specifying a single number. All technique will lead to the same results. Try to suggest different technique and we can discuss it. I have shown it to Sterling after we has yesterday additional 1.5 hour of quality time. 6. we are discussing the relevant use cases for 3 weeks now between the experts so it is not a new topic. The main issue is: -There are 4 use cases that we agree that they are valid use cases (A,B,CD). -IN this use case we saw peaks above what we want. -Question 1: what to do with it? Accept it as it is and use higher limit than 7% or find justification to ignore it without causing other issues. -There are other use cases that show much higher peaks. They are less or nonrealistic. The problem is how to justify ignoring it. The high level problem as I see it as system vendor is: If we set the limit to 7% and somebody that is not expert and don’t understand what he is doing decided to use cable 1m+connector+1m because he wanted 2m and he has only two 1m cables. He do it and when testing the channel he gets 10%. What he will do? He will complain to me and I will wasting my time on it. Hope it is clear. There are solutions for it being discussed now, but we need to close it. 7. You ask " As an example of this, I believe you have a 0.25m cable with 1 connector which was thought to be very unlikely. If you really insist that anything should be considered, why not include a 0.25m cable with 4 connectors? " My answer is simply: (a) It is practically may cause issues with channel performance so it will fail there. (b) It is not practical to insert 4 connectors in 25cm. Try it and you will see. But to answer this without pre-assumptions the answer is: (c) And theoretically if I will check this use case I will get 25% peak. This is the worst case possible (mathematically the highest limit per the numbers I have used). If I solve for >7% I solve it for all use case. 8. You said "The channel is there and we should define and agree on the use cases we are to consider in this ad-hoc and accept the results in the current imbalance they create when simulated with the PSE and PD PIs and report the maximum numbers. Yair: So you agree with me finally. This is what I am trying to do. Please read my presentation again and tell me which slides cause you to understand it differently than what I am trying to convey. By the way Wayne, Sterling and George knows and understand that this is what I am trying to do. They also understand what I am trying to solve here. And we still talking about it until we all happy. Please see more below Yair From: Jeff Heath [mailto:jheath@xxxxxxxxxx] From: Jeff Heath [mailto:jheath@xxxxxxxxxx] Hi Yair, You have invested a lot of effort in using percentage resistance imbalance. I believe your explanation today was: 1. Use simulation of resistance and voltage offsets to create imbalance current numbers 2. Convert this data to a resistance imbalance percentage for the worst case of the simulation(s) 3. Define the system components in terms of percentage Yair: No this is not what I did. See above. ---- Using this technique you have run into a problem. The cable resistance is not well suited to using a percentage because it depends on a function that has discontinuities in it. These jumps in percentage are due mainly to the addition of connectors. Since this ‘breaks’ your desire to have a system components that are defined by percentages, you have decided to add some resistance, perfectly balanced resistance in sufficient quantity to a cable measurement so that the percentage falls below a number you have chosen (I believe that number for the cable is 7% right now in your presentation). Yair: Not correct. See above. This new technique has several problems: Yair: This is not new technique. It is the technique we always used also in 802.3AT for pair unbalance. There is no better technique. Al ltechnique will lead to the same results. I have shown it to Sterling after we has yesterday additional 1.5 hour of quality time. --------------------- 1. It does not represent the actual cable Yair: It represent the actual Channel. It my not a realistic use case which is different question. 2. You suggest that the resistance you are adding is already present in the PSE and PD but Yair: This is one of the proposals and it is one of the best. There are other proposals to filter the unrealistic behavior of a standalone channel that I am working on. a. These resistances are not in the channel Yair: Correct, They emulate the correct behavior of the channel in "minimum resistance" end to end channel while the peaks on the channel will be replaced by the peaks of the PSE and PD PI which will be higher. So we can justify ignoring the channel peaks when the channel is tested as standard alone. b. These resistances are not balanced Yair: This is correct, but not important due to the fact that it is channel test and not end to end tests. It just to filter channel peaks NOT END TO END PEAKS. Also, during the meeting it was brought up that some of the use cases you created for the channel should be discussed because they are extremely unlikely. Yair. Yes we are discussing it for 3 weeks now between the experts so it is not a new topic. The main issue is: -There are 4 use cases that we agree that they are valid use cases (A,B,CD). -IN this use case we saw peaks above what we want. -Question 1: what to do with it. -There are other use cases that show much higher peaks. They are less or nonrealistic. The problem is how to justify ignore it. The high level problem is: If we set the limit to 7% and somebody that is not expert and don’t understand what he is doing decided use cable 1m+connector+1m because he wanted 2m and he has only two 1m cables. He do it and when testing the channelhe gets 10%. What he will do? There are solutions for it being discussed now, but we need to close it. To that end they should be discussed and a consensus reached. One of your arguments was that anybody could do anything which is not a practical approach to solving imbalance if it is not at all likely. Yair: I disagree. The difference in opinion between us is due to the fact that I am system vendor and you as a chip will have less concerns. As a system vendor if I know of potential issues even it has low probability ,I can't ignore it. The cost of ignoring may be very high for me. You/we need to do a lot of analysis and verifications in areas that we are not experts to be sure that we are not causing future issues. Cabling experts are familiar with the "normal" use cases, there are other use cases in the field in strange place. ------ As an example of this, I believe you have a 0.25m cable with 1 connector which was thought to be very unlikely. If you really insist that anything should be considered, why not include a 0.25m cable with 4 connectors? Yair: (a) It is practically may cause issues with channel performance (b) It is not practical to insert 4 connectors in 25cm. (c) And theoretically if I will check this use case I will get 25% peak. This is the worst case possible (mathematically the highest limit). If I solve for >7% I solve it all. The channel is there and we should define and agree on the use cases we are to consider in this ad-hoc and accept the results in the current imbalance they create when simulated with the PSE and PD PIs and report the maximum numbers. Yair: So you agree with me finally. This is what I am trying to do. Please read my presentation again and tell me which slides cause you to understand it differently that what I am trying to convey. By the way Wayne, Sterling and George knows and understand that this is what I am trying to do. They also understand what I am trying to solve here. Regards Yair Regards,